ABAP list print dialog FAQ
1. There are very less parameters visible on the initial screen for the print dialog, why is that so?
The layout of the opening screen has been designed in a very simple manner. One can see quite a few number of print parameters which are all visible on the "Properties" screen.
2. Can you display more print parameters on the initial screen?
You can show up to ten additional values.
3. How can I display the supplementary print parameters on the initial screen
Listed below are the two options of displaying the parameters on the initial screen.
- Once you reach the "Properties" print dialog screen, double-click on the appropriate print parameter and then select it along with selecting the checkbox "Show Selected Print Parameters on Initial Screen".
- You can utilize the program RSPRIPARADMIN for defining the cross-user print default values (this is meant is, for all users in the SAP system). For the layout of the print screen, and for all the users, you can specify the fields on the initial screen in the SAP system. However, you require the relevant authorization (authorization object S_ADMI_FCD, value PRIN) for this.
Note that the setting from the program RSPRIPARADMIN has priority. This means: If a print parameter has been stated and is well defined, for all users as a field for the initial screen, the field "Show Selected Print Parameters on Initial Screen" is visible in the print dialog becomes inactive and is set in such a manner which can be changed.
4. Will I be able to display the fields in an overview, which are set for the initial screen?
You can begin the program RS_PRIPAR_DEFAULTS. On the selection screen, you need to enter your SAP user and thereby execute the program.
- On the left hand side, in the tree control, you would be able to view all the fields that are set under "User specific settings" - "Fast entry fields".
- Under "Global Settings" - "Fast entry fields", you should be able to view the cross-user settings of the program RSPRIPARADMIN.
5. In my user master record (transaction SU3, SU01), I am only seeing the three parameters in the fixed values under "Spool Control" (OutputDevice, Output Immediately, Delete After Output). Are these the only print parameters for which I should be able to set and specify the default values?
In the print dialog, via "Properties" and then "Specifications", you should be able to state user-specific default values for many other print parameters, along with these.
You can also utilize the program RSPRIPARADMIN for defining the cross-user (which is meant for all users listed in the SAP system) the default values for print parameters. However, you need require appropriate access and authorization for accessing these. (authorization object S_ADMI_FCD, value PRIN) for this.
6. How can I set user-specific default values for the list print?
You should be able to call the print dialog for any report.
- You should be able to simply choose the Print" (Ctrl+P) function or you could even select "System->List->Print" in the menu.
- You can choose choose "Program -> Execute and Print", On a selection screen.
- Just incase of the report without a selection screen, you can select the "Program -> Execute in Background" and then click on "Goto -> Print parameters".
- When you have scheduled a specific job in transaction SM36, you will be required to select the the "Print specifications" function, when creating a step.
You need to choose the "Properties" function (F6), on the initial screen of the print dialog.
Post this step you need to visit the "Properties" screen, and select the "Specifications" function (F6 again).
Once you can see the upper part of the "Maintain Settings" dialog box, choose the appropriate field from the dropdown list box, for instance the, Output Device.
By choosing the "Change" button m you can enter a default value and transfer the same by choosing ENTER.
The below listed options have to be followed for setting the validity.
- This is only Effective for all reports only visible in the dialog
- Only valid for all reports appearing in the background
- Only valid for all reports which are displayed in the dialog and in the background, that is, "Always"
- Only Valid for the present report, which is the one for which the print dialog is presently running. Note: you cannot differentiate as per the background or dialog here. This refers to the default value then "Always" which is applicable to this report.
You are required to select the "Copy settings" button to copy the "Default for field" into the lower ALV Grid.
Then you need to move ahead in the same manner for the other print parameters which you would like to set.
The lower ALV Grid displays all of the user-specific print default values which have been set by You can even remove or delete a row here by selecting the row and clicking on the "Delete" button.
After you have chosen ENTER" (or "Continue") under the"Maintain Settings" dialog box, the print default values will be written to the database (table TPRI_DEF). These setting will be set up for the next print dialog.
7. In my user-specific list print default values, I am able to define a field with both the validity "Valid for all reports" and with the validity "Valid for this report only". Which out of these has a higher priority?
Incase the print dialog is presently functioning for the report which has been is set under "Valid", then this value has a higher priority.
8. How can I set cross-user default values for the list print?
- You will be first required to Start the program RSPRIPARADMIN. You would require prior authorization from S_ADMI_FCD with value PRIN to be able to do this.
- On the left-hand side, you need to select the relevant parameter. For report-dependent parameters, you are required the name of a report. Then select the "Copy" button for transferring it to the ALV Grid and also for saving the whole current content of the ALV Grid to the database (table TPRI_DEF).
- You will be required to proceed in the same way for the other print parameters which you wish to set.
- Upon selecting a row and choosing the "Delete" button, the pertinent parameter is deleted from the ALV Grid and the database.
- Upon deleting the "Cross-User Defaults", the settings which you see in the program RSPRIPARADMIN will be deleted from the database, post a corresponding query.
- Upon deleting the "User-Specific Defaults", the whole of the user-specific list print default values will be deleted, after a corresponding query.
This denotes to the user-specific default values which have been listed by all users in the SAP system.
Upon clicking on the "Save" button, the highlighted fields for the primary screen in the print screen are all written to the database.
9. What is the difference between the general specifications and report-dependent specifications in the program RSPRIPARADMIN?
- The report-dependent specifications are applicable only for the itemized report.
- The general specifications is applicable only for all reports listed in the SAP system.
- The layout of the print screen in the program RSPRIPARADMIN is also effective for all reports.
- 10. Will I be able to display all the default print parameters listed in an overview, outside of the print dialog?
- Upon initiating the program RS_PRIPAR_DEFAULTS for one (or any) SAP user, the default values which have been are set in the print dialog, can be displayed post double clicking on the appropriate entry on the left-hand side in the tree control under "User specific settings". You can even display the cross-user default values which were set using the program RSPRIPARADMIN.
- You will be able to display the cross-user default values that were set using the program RSPRIPARADMIN, under "Global Settings”.
- The program RSPRIPAR_USER_SHOW picks one (or any) SAP user and subsequently displays the print default values which have been set in the print dialog in an ALV Grid.
11. Our system administrator has utilized the program RSPRIPARADMIN to set an output device for a specific report. I have also set an output device in the print dialog under "Properties" and "Specifications". For executing all of this I have entered an output device mentioned under fixed values in my user master record (transaction SU3, SU01). when I call the initial screen of the print dialog, which device will be used?
- The specification from the program RSPRIPARADMIN is known to be of the highest priority. This refers to: Upon calling the print dialog for the report which is set in the program RSPRIPARADMIN under "Valid", the output device that is set, will be made visible.
- In case there is no valid specification in the program RSPRIPARADMIN, then you need to call the print dialog for any other report, the validity of the output device will be checked in your user-specific list print default values. If this is appropriate for the present print dialog, the output device which has been set there will be displayed.
For example: The output devise will be visible if your user-specific list print default value has the validity "Always”.
- The output device from your SU3 value will also be visible in case you have defined your user-specific list print default value for the output device with a different validity (for example, valid for a report other than the one that is currently running).
12. Post saving the fixed values in transaction SU3 or SU01, or also after mass changes of users using transaction SU10, I have observed the three parameters (OutputDevice, Output Immediately, Delete After Output) overwrite my corresponding list print default values. Why does this happen?
The three parameters which are derived from the user fixed values are known to have a general character in the SAP system, besides to the list print, these are also utilized by the other SAP applications (for example, SAPscript). Any changes made in the user master should also impact the list print.
13. Which priority determines the default value for any print parameter?
The system first looks for a cross-user value from the program RSPRIPARADMIN.
In case it does not find an RSPRIPARADMIN value, then the system looks out for a user-specific list default value "Valid for this report".
In case the system does not find a user-specific default value "Valid for this report", the system searches for a user-specific default value "Valid for all reports" listed in the dialog or in the background. This is majorly dependent on the session in which the print dialog was initially called in.
The validity "Always" in the specification dialog refers to the background and dialog.
Incase the system is unable to look for a user-specific default value "Valid for all reports", it then displays a system default value. This is generally a primary value. However, there are some parameters which are determined[] in a specific manner:
- The output device is derived from the user fixed values (transaction SU3, SU01).
- The printing time is generated from the user fixed values, parameter "Output Immediately".
- The user fixed values generates the Delete After Output.
- The address in the user master generates the department. It has to be noted that while printing, there are only 12 characters in the department.
- The present SAP user is the recipient.
- The SET/GET parameter ID "SAU" from the user master, help in determining the spool authorization, from the user master.
- The SET/GET parameter ID "OAO" generates the object type (SAP object) during archiving, from the user master.
- The document type during archiving is generated from the SET/GET parameter ID "DOK".
- As far as the the spool request name is concerned the system suggests a name which comprises of the first nine characters of the report name and then the first three characters of the user name. All the blank characters are replaced by underscores '_'.
- The spool retention period is only eight days.
- As the standard format, the system always proposes the format which is most suitable for the number of rows and columns of the report and that of the output device.
- The ALV statistics and ALV selections are always displayed with default value 'Yes', which refers that all the information is printed.
14. Do we have other options of specifying the default values for the print parameters besides the user-specific print default values, priority control (RSPRIPARADMIN, and the three parameters from the user master)?
Yes, you can save all the values related to the print parameters in an application-specific way. These will be then visible in the print dialog.
For instance:
After initiating the program RFZALI20, you need to choose the "Print parameters" button mentioned on the selection screen for calling the print dialog. After this you can then enter various parameters, close the print dialog, and then choose "Save" for saving the print parameters as a variant. The system displays the parameters you previously defined for the "Print parameters", when you then call the program RFZALI20 with this variant.
15. Why are the parameters and ALV Selections and ALV Statistics not displayed on the print screen for the print dialog for the background and for "Execute and Print"?
There is a specific way of handling, as the ALV statistics and the ALV selections are of importance only for ALV print programs.
16. How shall I assign user-specific print settings to a non-interactive SAP user (for example, user type "B" system, user for background processing)?
For executing the same, you need to use the program RSPRIPARCOPY. This enables copying the user-specific list print default values along with fields for the initial screen straight from the source user to the target user.
17. Why can I use the program RSPRIPARADMIN to pre-assign only some parameters?
As per SAP_BASIS Upgrade 7.40, the program RSPRIPARADMIN has been completely reviewed. You should now be able to define all parameters which can be set in a user-specific manner as global print default values, too.
In addition to all this, there is a validity meant for each parameter. This is quite alike to the known from the user-specific parameters.
18. How can I print the defaults as of SAP_BASIS Upgrade 7.40?
You should be able to print the global print settings (valid for all users) by selecting the "Print Parameters - Delete" from the menu in RSPRIPARADMIN. This would lead to deletion of both the global print default values along with the globally defined fields listed on the primary print screen for fast entry.
Please use the program RSPRIPARDELETE for deleting the user-specific print settings.
- The print default values and the fields appearing in the primary print screen for fast entry can now be deleted separately.
- Incase if the parameter, "Delete Selected Print Settings" is selected then only data is actually deleted from the database. Else, the system only generates a list of the selected user-specific print settings.
19. In the global print settings, where does the "Print time" default value come from, and why can this not be altered?
Once the printing takes place from the SAP system, there are quite a few number of doubts regarding the present location of the print output. This is mainly because of the reason that output always takes place via the SAP spool. The following problems ate stated to occur:
- In the user master record, the "Print Immediately" parameter is generally not activated in the fixed values. This basically means that the outputs will first go to the SAP spool and more often than not you wait in vain at the output device for your printout.
- Incase the "Print Immediately" is activated, the large documents are incorrectly printed on a relative frequent basis.
The "Print time" parameter is of prime importance. Specifically, for this reason, as of SAP_BASIS Upgrade 7.40, it is always visible on the initial screen of the print dialog irrespective of the user settings. Therefore, it cannot be deactivated on a user-specific or global basis. The parameter is visible appears in the new attributes pane. As a result, there is an association with the button of the same name, which can be used to get to the other print parameters.