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AL11 Directory Issue

Updated May 18, 2018

Hi all,
We have created a directory using AL11 t-code(DIR_CONV_DONE) without any issue, but while using this physical directory path in FILE T-code
facing below error:

Profile parameter DIR_CONV_DONE is unknown
Message no. SG009

You have referred to a profile parameter "P=DIR_CONV_DONE" which does not exist in the system.

System Response
The input is not accepted.

Check the spelling of the existing profile parameters with the program RSPARAM. Correct your input.

Please give me your suggestions to resolve the issue.


  • 22 Aug 2013 6:22 am Sushma
    AL11 does not create "directories" on the filesystem. It creates logical references within SAP, to directories that should already exist on the filesystem. First create the directory (on the o/s), then create the AL11 reference.
