How to find and analyze missing translations or missing texts?
The products of SAP are translated into many different languages and some supported languages. The languages can't be said that they can be perfectly translated into another language. The main difference can be termed as how deeply a language is being supported by SAP translator. The only language which is said to be fully perfect is “EN” in which carries all the existing texts. Translating a language is easy but what the outcome can be is certainly depends how well SAP translated it and is it understandable.
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A text can only be understood when reading it in a known language. The SAP helps to convert languages to the languages that are stored in it.
a) Importing correct components of a language.
b) Importing a correct sequence of a language.
c) Clients being dependent on which language.
d) Representing a Run time of text or language.
e) Information required in a message with Problems.
f) Searching for the main root cause of a language.
With all these there can still be some problem to understand as there translation might come up with a different meaning. Still using a common Language can help to deliver and take the required information.