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What is ArchiveLink in SAP

Updated Feb 13, 2024

ArchiveLink is a feature integrated into the SAP Web Application Server designed to connect archived documents with application documents entered into the SAP system.

This method of creating content links ensures consistent and enduring access to your documents. You can view archived documents directly from associated application documents. Additionally, you can use attributes for document searches. These functionalities eliminate the need for time-consuming tasks like copying original documents and searching for process-related information.

Advantages of SAP ArchiveLink

  • Convenient and Legally Binding Archiving: SAP ArchiveLink facilitates the convenient and legally binding archiving of various types of documents, including incoming and outgoing documents, table contents, and print lists. This ensures compliance with legal requirements and simplifies document management processes.

  • Quick Access: One of the primary advantages of SAP ArchiveLink is its provision of quick access to archived documents directly from within the SAP system. By embedding contextual links, users can swiftly retrieve relevant documents, streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity, particularly in document-intensive environments.

  • Advanced Searching Capabilities: SAP ArchiveLink offers advanced searching capabilities that provide significant added value in document management. Users can search for archived documents using specific attributes, enabling precise retrieval of information directly within the SAP system. This eliminates the need for manual copying of originals and reduces time-consuming searches for process-specific data, thereby improving efficiency and accuracy in workflows.

Integration of ArchiveLink

To integrate ArchiveLink, you must have a storage system in place. The document you wish to store should already be in electronic format or be converted into one. The physical storage method of the document in the storage system is irrelevant.

How does SAP ArchiveLink work?

SAP ArchiveLink operates through three primary components:

  • The chosen content repository serves as the storage location for the documents being archived.
  • The ArchiveLink link table contains logical connections between the application documents within the SAP system and their corresponding archived documents.
  • The application documents are stored within the SAP system itself.

Features of ArchiveLink

ArchiveLink can be employed to store various types of documents in a storage system, including:

  • Incoming documents
  • Outgoing documents
  • Print lists
  • Archive files

Incoming and outgoing documents are linked to the respective business objects, which are created within the SAP System when an application document is entered. This linkage is recorded in an ArchiveLink link table during system operation.

Uniquely identifying the business object and the stored document is essential for establishing the link. The business object identification comprises:

  • Client
  • Business Object Type (abbreviated as object type)
  • Business object ID (referred to as Object ID)

The stored document identification consists of:

  • Content Repository ID
  • Document ID

Various forms of multiple references are feasible; for instance, a single stored document can be linked to multiple business objects, or several stored documents can be associated with a single business object.
