Hello SAP Experts,
While executing a restore/backup with BRRESTORE/BRBRACKUP and Backint.
The execution fails with the following errors:
- BR0279E Return code from '/usr/sap//SYS/exe/run/backint ... ': *
- BR0231E Backup utility call failed
Points to be Noted:
- No BR*Tools error messages available which can identify the cause of the issue.
- There was no problem until the Backint was called.
- Backint errors are there, BKI****E before the execution gets interrupted
Thanks & Regards,
The execution of BRBACKUP/BRRESTORE failed because of backint error, which is shown in the format of BKI****E. The Errors BR0231E and BR0279E are just reporting the failure.
Therefore just identify the Backint reported error messages and then contact the third-party tool vendor to identify the cause and resolve the issue.