When you post a goods receipt for an outbound delivery (with reference to a stock transport order) with Bapi BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE, you must fill the following fields so that the purchase order as well as the delivery are updated correctly:
- GOODSMVT_ITEM-MOVE_TYPE (Movement type): generally movement type '101'
- GOODSMVT_ITEM-STGE_LOC (Storage location)
- GOODSMVT_ITEM-ENTRY_UOM (Unit of measure)
- GOODSMVT_ITEM-PO_NUMBER (Purchase order)
- GOODSMVT_ITEM-PO_ITEM (Purch. order item)
- GOODSMVT_ITEM-MVT_IND (Movement indicator) = 'B'
Now the order history and the document flow of the delivery are updated. In order to use fields DELIV_NUMB and DELIV_ITEM, you must implement the enhancements of Note 356665.
If the delivery note number / delivery (field MKPF-XBLNR) is supposed to be updated in the material document header, field GOODSMVT_HEADER-REF_DOC_NO must be filled with the delivery number when you call the Bapi BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE.
The field should only be filled if the delivery number is unique.The delivery is transferred at item level (table GOODSMVT_ITEM, field DELIV_NUMB) so that different delivery numbers can occur in a material document.
In this case, there is no unique delivery so that a blank field GOODSMVT_HEADER-REF_DOC_NO would be useful.