Error deleting release data in table TBTCS / BTCEVTJOB
Hello SAP Experts,
System log or transaction SM21 show following error message mentioned below:
- EG Z BP_JOB_MODIFY: Cannot modify job Reason:
- EG R > error in DELETE event control table
- EG Z BP_JOB_MODIFY: Cannot modify job Reason:
- EG Y > error in event SAP_END_OF_JOB
An error message is also displayed in logs of job SAP_REORG_JOBS.
"Error deleting release data in table TBTCS / BTCEVTJOB."
As the system try to revoke the release of job A which should always start after job B therefore when the system tries to revoke job A in the meantime job B gets deleted. However, job's A definition is inconsistent due to missing corresponding BTCEVTJOB entry.
Therefore the system checks the existence of corresponding BTCEVTJOB entry and if the BTCEVTJOB entry does not exist then the release of the job is revoked.