How To Dynamically Change Selection Screen in ABAP?
Hello SAP Experts,
I want to change the selection screen dynamically based up on some condition. I want to disable some fields on the selection screen based on the user selection condition of the radio button.
How can I achieve this?
By default, one radio button will be selected for that criterion the selection screen has to be displayed initially with some fields in disable mode after that based upon user requirement the selection screen has to change.
Please help me.
Modifying Screens Dynamically
The screen table
Some components of screen table
Loop at Screen
Loop at screen.
Modify screen.
No further additions are allowed in the LOOP AT SCREEN statement
Loop at Screen Contd..
Loop at screen.
IF screen-group1 = 'MOD'.
IF flag = ' '.
Screen-input = '0'.
ELSEIF flag = 'X'.
Screen-input = '1'.
Modify screen.