Client copy is finished by status “post-processing required”. An error is occurred in log for object FINB-TR-DERIVATION:
DA300 "Not active name tab exists <some db table>”.name of db is typically by naming meeting:
xxyyyysssmmmnnnn (xx - application class, yyyy - strategy ID, sss - system indicator, mmm - client, nnnn - sequence number)these db tables is a division of some example of derivation tool in user system and is use to lay up derivation rule values.
Other items are ABADR, FINB_TR_CC_EXIT, FINB_TR_CC_EXIT_TARGET, DA 300, DA300, CC, SCC9, SCCL, and SCC3.
Through processing CC there were vast workloads in user system. CC process creates a new table to stock up copy derivation rules. Parallel asynchronous processes and these tables are not created fast as needed with cc process during workload in user system. CC process will not be access the tables to store derivation rules in target client which is mention in log also.
Judge FINB-TR-DERIVATION division of client copy like completed successfully. Status of client copy in TCode SCC3 “post-processing required” is final and it is not well run which is base on successful execution of FINB_TR_EXEC_AI.
In order about final client copy status needs to evaluate and kept exterior of SAP system. Client can protect next to any extra manually triggered post processing procedure.