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How to create the Favorite folder and add the Transaction code to the Favorite folder

Updated Jan 21, 2022

Steps to create Favorite folder and add T.Code to the Favorite folder:

Step1: Open the SAP Easy Access screen.

Step2: Goto Favorites -> Insert folder

Step3: In the Create a Folder in the Favorites list dialogue box enter the name of the favorite folder.

Folder Name: Materials

Press the tick button.

We can see that the Favorites folder Materials is created.

Steps to add Transaction Code to the Material folder:

Step1: Right-click on the Material folder and select the Insert Transaction option.

Step2: In the Manual entry a transaction enters the T.Code you want to add to your folder.

Transaction Code: MM01

Press the tick button. Now the T.Code MM01 is added to the Materials folder.

As you select T.Code MM01, Create Materials(Initial Screen) appears.

In a similar way, you can add another T.Code MM02 to the Materials folder.

Now we can see that T.code MM01 and MM02 are added to the Materials folder.
