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Create Sampling Procedure

Updated Oct 26, 2021

In this SAP QM (Quality Management) tutorial, you will learn the step-by-step procedures to create a sampling procedure in your SAP system.

What is Sampling Procedure?

A sampling procedure is a method that defines the sample size and contains information about the valuation of an inspection characteristic during the process results recording. A user can specify a sampling procedure as a fixed sample, percentage, or another sample. A sampling scheme contains multiple options for sampling plans.

How to Create Sampling Procedure?

Please follow the steps below to create a sampling procedure:

Execute t-code QDV1 in the SAP command field in the SAP Easy Access screen.


In the next window, enter the Sampling procedure name and click the Continue icon to proceed.

On Create Sampling Procedure: Assignment screen enter the description for the new sampling procedure


Next enter the following details as shown below in the image:

  • Sampling Type
  • Valuation Mode
  • Inspection Points

Valuation mode

Now click the Continue button or press Enter key


Next, choose the Control Chart Type from the dropdown list as shown below.

Now click the Sample button on the top to open a Sample attribute window and their sample size and click the Continue button.


Next, click the Save icon to save the sampling procedure.


You have successfully created a sampling procedure on your SAP system.

Sampling Procedure Created
