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Creation of inbound delivery during two-step stock transfers

Updated May 18, 2018

If you activate service parts management (SPM) in Release ECC 6.00 or higher, the system can automatically create an inbound delivery during two-step stock transfers. You can use the inbound delivery to post the goods receipt (GR) in the receiving plant or the storage location.

As of Release ECC 6.00, you can also use the automatic inbound delivery creation during two-step stock transfers if you have not activated service parts management and you have not connected an SAP EWM system. The inbound delivery is created using the output determination in the outbound delivery. After the goods issue has been posted successfully, the system uses a special function to create the inbound delivery. If you want to use this function, proceed as follows:

1. Make sure that a confirmation control key, for example, 0004, is entered on the Confirmations tab page for each item in the stock transport order. Goods receipt assignment and goods receipt relevance must be activated for this confirmation control key. To enable the confirmation control key to be determined automatically in the case of automatically created stock transfer orders, you must enter it in the purchasing info record. In the case of intracompany transfers, you must define a purchase order type (and set the Stock Transfer Vendor indicator) in order to determine the purchasing info record. You define this purchasing document type in Customizing for Materials Management, by choosing "Purchasing -> Purchase Order -> Define Document Types".

2. Create the output type SPED in your system if it does not already exist. SAP delivers the output type SPED using the Business Configuration Set (BC Set) /SPE/TNAPR. Use transaction SCPR20 to activate this Business Configuration Set. Alternatively, you can create the output type SPED manually. To define the output type, go to Customizing for Logistics Execution and choose "Shipping -> Basic Shipping Functions -> Output Control -> Output Determination -> Maintain Output Determination for Outbound Deliveries".

                    Access sequence   SPE1 Delivery type
Access to conditions X
Multiple issuing X

                    Default values
Dispatch time 4: Send immediately
Transmission medium 8: Special function

                    Processing routines
Form routine STO_ID_CREATION

                    Partner functions
Medium function description
8 Special function SH Ship-to party

3. Assign an output determination procedure that contains the output type SPED to the delivery type that you want to use for replenishment deliveries. Assign the requirement 408 to the output type in the output determination procedure that is used. You define an output determination procedure and assign the delivery type in the Customizing for output control for deliveries mentioned above.

4. Create condition records in order to activate the determination of the output type SPED. In the SAP standard system, the access to this output type is controlled using the delivery type.

        a) Call transaction VV21 to maintain the condition records.

        b) Enter output type SPED in the initial screen and choose ENTER to start the condition maintenance.

        c) Maintain a condition record for all replenishment delivery types for which you want the inbound delivery to be created automatically. When you do this, you must define the processing time. We recommend that you choose processing time 4 to ensure that the inbound delivery is automatically created immediately during the goods issue posting. You do not have to specify a language.

        d) Save your entries.

When the inbound delivery is created, Handling Units (HUs) are only transferred from the outbound delivery if either the lean HU status update or unique number assignment are active for handling units. You can find the relevant settings in the Implementation Guide under "Logistics Execution -> Service Parts Management (SPM) -> Cross-Process Settings -> Handling Unit Management -> Set Lean HU Status Update in Non-unique HU Numbering Scenario". You should only activate unique numbering if you want to use Handling Unit Management. Otherwise, use the lean HU status update. If HU management is active, the status and the history of the handling unit are updated, but there is no check to see if the handling unit number is unique.

Note: The SPER output type is processed when you cancel the goods issue of the replenishment delivery and it deletes the subsequent inbound delivery. You cannot use it in a standard system that is not connected to an SAP EWM system. If you want to cancel the goods issue of the replenishment delivery, you must first manually delete the inbound delivery that was created automatically.

