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Critical and Non Critical Errors in St22

Updated May 18, 2018

Non-Critical Errors

  • ABAP/4 Open SQL statement with WHERE ... LIKE and pattern too long.
    Exception condition "CNTL_ERROR" raised.
    SQL error 1013 occurred when accessing table "KONV ".
    partner not reached (host bosbwi03-fe, service sapgw00) / "CPI-C error

Critical Errors in St22


No storage space available for extending table "IT_90".
You attempted to extend an internal table, but the required space was not available.


SAP paging overflow when storing data in the ABAP/4 memory.

The current program requested storage space from the SAP paging area,To store further data in the SAP paging area, you attempted to allocate a new SAP paging block, but no more blocks were available.

If this utilization degree is reached frequently, you should increase the maximum size of the file concerned in the SAP profile:

for the paging file: rdisp/PG_MAXFS

for the roll file: rdisp/ROLL_MAXFS

SAP paging file overflow. The current size corresponds to the specified size of 8KB blocks.


timeout during allocate / "CPI-C error CM_RESOURCE_FAILURE_RETRY".

The CALL_FUNCTION_OPEN_ERROR is probably an error in the communication system. "CPI-C error CM_RESOURCE_FAILURE_RETRY". The error has occurred while executing a Remote Function Call. The current ABAP/4 program "ZBW_EVENT_RAISE " had to be terminated because one of the statements trying to execute the RFC could not be executed.


SQL error 1555 occurred when executing EXEC SQL.

This error has resulted in the failure of Task BTC background processor No. 05. The program name is RSAL_BATCH_TOOL_DISPATCHING. This resulted in the error - ORA-01555: snapshot too old: rollback segment number 41 with name "_SYSSMU41$" too small

