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CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Interview Questions


1) Define Metadata and how is it used in CRM?

Metadata is all the data regarding data. CRM has quite a lot of Metadata, which includes the types of field, auditing, optionsetvalue,etc. For retrieving metadata the user is required to use webservices, RetrieveEntityRequest for entity Metadata and RetrieveAttributeRequest.

2) Can we integrate SAP CRM with social networking sites?

Yes, SAP CRM can be integrated with various social networking sites. SAP CRM uses social media to enhance customer engagement.

3) What do you mean by SAP CRM Web Client UI interface?

SAP GUI is typically used to performing various administration tasks in SAP CRM. For performing customization and configuration of CRM activities, the client tool is advised to be used by SAP known as SAP CRM WebClient User Interface.

4) Define text determination in SAP CRM?

In CRM, text can be utilized for exchanging the information between the customers, partners or between the users. Text can be created for sales document header, customer master, item, billing document header and item and so on.

5) Explain partner function in SAP CRM?

Partner function defines the organization and people with whom the business is being done, which encompasses any kind of business transaction.

Partner function includes the information such as:

  • Sold to the party
  • Ship to the party
  • Bill to the party
  • Payer

6) Which BAdI is used for configuring the CRM order.

BADI CRM_CONFIG_BADI is used to configure the CRM order.

7) Define the role of SAP CRM Functional Consultant?

The Basic responsibility of a CRM Functional Consultant is listed below:

  • Configuring the SAP CRM system as per the requirement of the clients.
  • Collecting all the requirements from the client
  • Understand the entire Clients Business Process
  • Mapping the SAP CRM process with the Business Process.
  • Analyzing the requirements with regards to SAP CRM
  • Co-ordinating with technical term members for understanding the technical requirements.

8) Where can table CRMC_PAR_FCT_NAM be customized?

Currently, there is no specific path in customizing in SPRO for making modifications or adding or removing the partner functions in table CRMC_PAR_FCT_NAM, which is utilized during searching.

The user can successfully make changes to the entries in this table directly via transaction SE16, however, any changes to the table this way will be considered as a modification to the standard, and SAP will not be responsible for this. Customer will make the changes at their own risk, to the table in SE16.

9) How can the Limit of Characters be determined in extension field?

Post creation, an extension field cannot be modified or edited, therefore a new one should be created. For creating a new extension field and limit its characters,

A user has to perform the following steps listed below:

  • User goes to the View you want to create the extension field.
  • Click on Adapt > Edit Master Layout.
  • Click on any field.
  • Click on Add Items > Add Fields > New Field.
  • Select Text, For field Type
  • For subtype field, select between options Short Text (40), Medium Text (80), Long Text (120) or Extended Text.

10) How can user configure Auto Checklist Steps Determination?

a) Defining the Checklist Profile

b) Assigning the Checklist Profile to your Transaction Type

c) Defining the Service Manager Profile

d) Assigning the Rule Policy to the Service Manager Profile

e) Setting up Conditions of the Rule Policy

f) Setting up the Item Category Determination like below and both Transaction Type and Item Category should be defined already in the system.

  • Transaction Type: SRVR
  • Item usage: CKCU
  • Item Category CHKL

11) Distinguish between Normal text, Log texts, Log?

Normal Texts:

  • Text types which don’t have to be logged and are not the log itself. These texts are saved in the database along with the normal text name.

Log texts:

  • These are the texts which have been written to the log (also referred to as "loggable long texts"). These texts are also saved in the database along with both the normal text name and a time stamp.


  • This is a different text type which is generally not saved in the database. The log (also called the "History") cannot be modified and is set up dynamically.

12) How can we duplicate characteristic of an equipment in ECC to an Ibase in CRM?

The settings for the SetTypes have to be done in transaction COMM_HIERARCHY. This should encompass the set types which is used in CRM.

13) How to solve "Operation is not allowed (CRM_P_ORD)" in SAP CRM WUI and GUI?

In order to resolve this error please use t-code OACT and maintain the Document Area: CRM and Content Rep. CRMORDER for Category CRMORDER.

14) How to verify if the business partner is valid ship to the party?

User can inquire all about the business partners for each and every order in VBPA when vbeln=order number, parvw=partner kind, kunnr = partner code

15) How can the user update Product Category Description in Different Languages via Data Workbench?

A user can add Product Category Description in another language by following the steps listed below:

  • User goes to Data Workbench work center;
  • Go to the Tab Export;
  • Searching for Product Category Description and Export the records that he wants to update;
  • Finishing the process of export and goes to the Tab of Monitor for downloading the required file;
  • In the exported file, removing the values for column "ObjectID" and then maintaining the language code and description in different language as per the requirement;
  • Then Uploading the above file in Update work center view of Data Workbench, using the Product Category Description Object.

16) How to configure CRM Analytics with SAP BW?

In order to access BW report via CRM webUI, user have to configure the SSO between CRM and BW (unique hai).
