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Get Current page and total number of pages in SmartForms

Updated Jul 23, 2018

How to get the current page and total number of pages in SmartForms?


The page numbering is managed by page counters in SAP Smart Forms documents. Page counter update the SFSY system fields like SFSY-PAGE, SFSY-FORMPAGES, SFSY-JOBPAGE related to page numbers. 

In Smart Forms, use the system fields variables like SFSY system fields like SFSY-PAGE, SFSY-FORMPAGES, SFSY-JOBPAGE  in order to get the current page and the total number of pages :

1) Display current page number in SmartForms 

  • SFSY-PAGE -  Holds the current page number in SmartForms.

2) Display the total number of pages in SmartForms document

  • SFSY-FORMPAGES - Holds the total number of pages in SmartForms

3) Display the total number of pages in all SAP Smartform documents within one print job

  • SFSY-JOBPAGE - Holds the total number of pages  in all SmartForms within one job
