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How to delete BALDAT Table

Updated May 18, 2018

Application Log table is of 28 GB in our environment. 

I deleted Log files using - SGL2 After that I did reorg on the table but the table size remains same. 

Before deleting - I calculated no.of logs we can delete by choosing 
. only calculate how many option 

o/p - 10063 deletable logs are there 

After deleting - I calculated no.of logs we can delete by choosing 
. only calculate how many option 

o/p - 76 deletable logs are there 

Then I performed Reorg followed by Runstats but size of the table remains same. 
When I run the tcode - SGL2 . Its fetching data from BALHDR not from BALDAT. 

Please suggest me how to delete the log data from BALDAT. 
