Commit: an ACTION from user to let instance know that transaction is completed and also to tell instance that transaction is correct.
Checkpoint: This is REACTION by instance on commit, checkpoint will now generate a new SCN number for the transaction which is committed and will save the modified data blocks to datafiles along with updating latest SCN number in the header of all datafiles and controlfile(s).
10 Aug 2015 2:26 pm Jyoti Pandey Helpful Answer
Commit is to be performd by user to save data permenntly.. And checkpoint is process, it is occurd when logswitch occurs (means when LGWR switch from one RL File to another) to save data to Datafile permenently.
Checkpoint can happen at any time.. Before, after or at the time of commit. MTTR set is only one of the criterion for a checkpoint.. Anyway, if SCN increments at every commit.. Suppose I have no transactions whatsoever in my database but still we can notice that the SCN keeps increasing what could be the reason behind this?
Commit: an ACTION from user to let instance know that transaction is completed and also to tell instance that transaction is correct.
Checkpoint: This is REACTION by instance on commit, checkpoint will now generate a new SCN number for the transaction which is committed and will save the modified data blocks to datafiles along with updating latest SCN number in the header of all datafiles and controlfile(s).