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Difference Between The Control Keys PM02 and PM03

Updated Aug 18, 2023

SAP control keys play a pivotal role in dictating the intricacies of procurement and subcontracting processes. Two prominent control keys, PM02 and PM03, often stand at the forefront of these operations, offering distinct approaches to external procurement and assignment.

In this article, we unravel the differences between these two control keys that help organizations to make informed choices to optimize their procurement and maintenance strategies.

PM02: Generalized External Procurement

At the heart of PM02 lies a control key tailored for streamlined external procurement processes. When opting for PM02, the objective is to procure work and materials from vendors to meet maintenance needs. This control key is characterized by its all-encompassing nature, where the focus is on acquiring both services and associated materials required for repairs.

Key Features of PM02:

  • Vendor-Centric Approach: PM02 treats external procurement as a unified entity, often overlooking the specifics of the service provided. It emphasizes acquiring work from vendors without delving into the finer details of service types.
  • Purchase Requisition and Purchase Order: Under PM02, the procurement process follows a traditional route, involving the creation of a purchase requisition (PR) followed by the generation of an individual purchase order (PO).
  • Item Category: The PR/PO created using PM02 is identified by a blank Item Category, symbolizing its generalized nature and reflecting a conventional procurement process.

PM03: Targeted External Assignment

Contrasting PM02, the PM03 control key introduces a more refined approach to external assignment procurement. PM03 is the preferred choice when the objective is to procure specific types of services, meticulously categorized within service masters.

Key Features of PM03:

  • Service-Specific Procurement: PM03 is designed to enable the procurement of specific types of services, each meticulously categorized in service masters. This control key is particularly useful when the goal is to closely monitor and analyze the different service types being procured.
  • Service Entry Sheet (SES): Under PM03, the reception of services is typically done through a Service Entry Sheet (SES), introducing a more structured and specific approach to service procurement.
  • Item Category: The PR/PO generated using PM03 is marked by a "D" Item Category. This indicator signifies its service-specific nature and highlights its role in acquiring targeted services for detailed tracking and analysis.

Key Difference Between The Control Keys PM02 vsPM03

  • Purpose: PM02 for general procurement; PM03 for specific service procurement.
  • Procurement Steps: PM02 follows the PR-PO process; PM03 uses SES for service entry.
  • Item Category: PM02 has blank; PM03 has "D" for services.
  • Monitoring: PM02 treats procurement as a whole; PM03 enables tracking of service types.
