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Difference Between /n and /o

Updated Sep 07, 2023

Commands /n and /o, play a crucial role in managing transaction screens. While they may appear similar, they serve distinct purposes with important implications. Let's explore the key differences between /n and /o in SAP transaction screens:

/n Command in SAP:

  1. Current Screen Closure: Immediately closes the current transaction screen.
  2. Data Loss Risk: This may result in the loss of unsaved data on the current screen.
  3. Same Session Transition: This takes you to a new transaction within the same session.
  4. Example: /nTCXX closes the present session and opens another.

/o Command in SAP:

  1. New Session Creation: Initiates a new session within SAP.
  2. Preserve Current Screen: Keeps the current transaction screen open and active in the original session.
  3. New Session Transaction: Transitions to a new transaction in the newly opened session.
  4. Example: /oTCXX opens a new session without closing the present one, allowing you to work on both simultaneously.

Key Differences Between  /n vs /o

In summary, the primary differences between /n and /o in SAP transaction screens are as follows:

  • Effect on Current Transaction Screen: /n closes the current transaction screen, while /o keep it open.
  • Data Loss: /n may result in the loss of unsaved data, whereas /o does not affect the data on the current transaction screen.
  • Session Management: /n transitions to a new transaction within the same session, while /o opens a new session, preserving the previous session and transaction.


Understanding when to use /n and when to opt for /o is vital for efficient SAP navigation, data preservation, and multitasking within the SAP environment.
