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Difference between Select Options and Parameters

Updated Aug 05, 2024

Select Options vs Parameters: Key Differences

1) Data Selection Behavior

  • Parameters: If a parameter field is left blank on the selection screen, no data is selected. Parameters act as single value holders and are useful when you need a specific and precise data selection criterion.
  • Select Options: If a select option field is left blank, all data from the database is selected. Select options are designed for more flexible and comprehensive data retrieval, allowing for multiple values and ranges.

2) Data Structure

  • Parameters: Acts as a single variable, allowing only a single value input. Parameters are straightforward and are generally used for simple input fields where complex selection criteria are unnecessary.
  • Select Options: Functions as an internal table with a predefined structure, enabling multiple input values. This internal table structure consists of four fields: SIGN, OPTION, LOW, and HIGH, facilitating more detailed and varied data selection.

3) Value Input and Storage

  • Parameters: Only a single value can be specified. Parameters are best for scenarios where you need users to input one specific piece of data, like a single customer number or a specific date.
  • Select Options: Multiple values can be specified. When you declare select options, a selection table (internal table) with four fields (SIGN, OPTION, LOW, HIGH) is created to store the values. This allows for a wide range of inputs, such as multiple customer numbers or a date range.

4) Range of Selections

  • Parameters: Cannot provide a range of selections. However, parameters can be declared as radio buttons or checkboxes, offering different input methods and enhancing user interactivity for specific types of selections.
  • Select Options: Allows a range of selections but cannot be declared as radio buttons or checkboxes. This makes select options ideal for scenarios requiring users to select a range of data, such as a series of dates or multiple status codes.

Detailed Components of Select Options

The select option creates a selection table consisting of four fields: SIGN, OPTION, LOW, and HIGH. Understanding these components is essential for effectively utilizing select options.


  • Data Type: C (Length 1)
  • Purpose: Determines whether the row condition result is included in or excluded from the resulting set of all rows.
  • Possible Values:
    • I: Inclusive (operators are not inverted)
    • E: Exclusive (operators are inverted)


  • Data Type: C (Length 2)
  • Purpose: Contains the selection operator, dictating how the selection criteria are applied.
  • Operators:
    • Without HIGH: EQ (Equal), NE (Not Equal), GT (Greater Than), LE (Less Than or Equal), LT (Less Than), CP (Contains Pattern), NP (Not Contains Pattern)
    • With HIGH: BT (Between), NB (Not Between)


  • Data Type: Same as the column type of the linked database table.
  • Purpose: Specifies a single field comparison or the lower limit for a range. It is essential for defining the initial point of your selection criteria.


  • Data Type: Same as the column type of the linked database table.
  • Purpose: Specifies the upper limit for a range selection. It defines the endpoint of your selection criteria.

Practical Examples

To illustrate the use of parameters and select options, consider the following practical examples:

Parameters Example

PARAMETERS: p_cust TYPE kunnr.

In this example, p_cust is a parameter that allows the user to input a single customer number. If the user leaves this field blank, no customer data is selected.

Select Options Example

SELECT-OPTIONS: s_cust FOR kunnr.

In this example, s_cust is a select option allowing the user to input multiple or a range of customer numbers. If the user leaves this field blank, all customer data is selected.

Advanced Usage and Best Practices

  1. Combining Parameters and Select Options: You can combine parameters and select options on a selection screen to provide both specific and flexible data input options. This combination enhances the usability of your selection screen.

  2. Default Values and Validation: Set default values for parameters and select options to guide users and ensure valid data input. Use validation checks in your ABAP code to handle incorrect or unexpected inputs.

  3. Performance Considerations: When dealing with large datasets, be mindful of the performance implications. Using select options with broad ranges can lead to extensive database reads. Optimize your selection criteria to balance flexibility and performance.

  4. User Experience: Design your selection screens with the user in mind. Clearly label your parameters select options, and provide tooltips or help texts to assist users in understanding the input requirements.


  • Parameters: Suitable for single-value input, can be used for radio buttons and checkboxes, but does not support ranges.
  • Select Options: Ideal for multiple value inputs and ranges, creates a selection table with four fields to manage complex data selection.

By understanding these differences and applying best practices, you can design effective and user-friendly selection screens in SAP ABAP that meet your specific data retrieval needs.


  • 04 Jul 2014 11:52 am rekha Best Answer

    The difference between parameters and select options are as follows:

    1.The main difference between parameters and select options lies in the data selection. In case of a parameter, if the selection screen field is left blank, then no data is selected on the other hand if the select option is left blank then, all the data from db is selected.
    2. Another difference is that parameter acts as a variable whereas select option acts as an internal table with a predefined structure.

    3. At parameter variable you can specify only single value but you can specify more than one input values in a variable specified with select-options, when you declare select-options a selection tables like Internal table with 4 fields like SIGN,OPTION,LOW and High gets created to store the multiple values that are entered in the select -options.

    4.The main diffrence between select-options and parametrs is, select-options gives us a range of selections but in parameter we can't do that we can declare parameters as radio button and checkboxes but for select-options we can't.

  • 21 Jul 2017 3:48 pm Nitesh Singh Helpful Answer

    The main difference between select-options and parameters is that the select-option creates a selection table consisting of 4 fields.

    Please go thru the following details to learn more bout it...

    Description of the individual components:


    The data type of SIGN is C with length 1. The contents of SIGN determine for each row whether the result of the row condition is to be included in or excluded from the resulting set of all rows.

    Possible values are I and E.

    – I stands for "inclusive" (inclusion criterion - operators are not inverted)

    – E stands for "exclusive" (exclusion criterion - operators are inverted)


    The data type of OPTION is C with length 2. OPTION contains the selection operator. The following operators are available:

    – If HIGH is empty, you can use EQ, NE, GT, LE, LT,CP, and NP. These operators are the same as those that are used for logical expressions. Yet operators CP and NP do not have the full functional scope they have in normal logical expressions. They are only allowed if wildcards ( '*' or '+' ) are used in the input fields.

    If wildcards are entered on the selection screen, the system automatically uses the operator CP. The escape character is defined as #.

    – If HIGH is filled, you can use BT (BeTween) and NB (Not Between). These operators correspond to BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN that you use when you check if a field belongs to a range. You cannot use wildcard characters.

    - LOW

    The data type of LOW is the same as the column type of the database table, to which the selection criterion is linked.

    – If HIGH is empty, the contents of LOW define a single field comparison. In combination with the operator in OPTION, it specifies a condition for the database selection.

    – If HIGH is filled, the contents of LOW and HIGH specify the upper and lower limits for a range. In combination with the operator in OPTION, the range specifies a condition for the database selection.

    - HIGH

    The data type of HIGH is the same as the column type of the database table, to which the selection criterion is linked. The contents of HIGH specify the upper limit for a range selection.

    The parameter statement does not create a selection table .

    The second thing is select-option gives us a range for selection, whereas parameter doesn't .

    Using the parameter you can define radio buttons and checkboxes where as select-options can't.
