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Difference between PING and NIPING

Updated Oct 08, 2023

In this article, you will learn the difference between NIPING and PING commands in the SAP system.

PING (Packet Internet Groper)

PING is a network diagnostic tool that operates at the third layer (IP layer) of the OSI/ISO network model. It employs the ICMP protocol to send simple echo requests to a target IP address, primarily used for basic network reachability testing.

NIPING (Network Interface Ping)

NIPING is a network analysis tool associated with SAP software and functions at the fourth layer (Transport layer) of the OSI/ISO network model using the TCP protocol. Unlike PING, NIPING requires client and server communication to conduct network tests and is often used in SAP environments for evaluating network performance and firewall settings.

Key Differences between PING and NIPING command

  • PING operates at the IP layer (Layer 3), while NIPING operates at the Transport layer (Layer 4).
  • PING uses ICMP protocol, while NIPING uses TCP protocol.
  • PING is unidirectional, requiring no client-server communication, while NIPING necessitates client-server interaction for network tests.
  • NIPING works on a dedicated port, which is useful for firewall testing and specific port status checks, while PING does not target specific ports.
  •  PING is a standard command-line tool included with most operating systems, while NIPING is specific to SAP environments and is not part of the operating system.
  •  PING is commonly used for basic network reachability tests, while NIPING is more suited for in-depth network analysis within SAP systems, including checking the status of SAP applications and firewall configurations.
