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Differences Between T-code SCC4 and SE06

Updated Oct 10, 2023

Two key transactions code in SAP SCC4 and SE06, play pivotal roles in configuring and controlling these aspects. In this article, we will learn about the definitions and differences between SCC4 and SE06.

What is SCC4?

Transaction code SCC4 is used to define the client. This is a cross-client transaction; any changes made will affect all the clients in the SAP system. This is a controlled transaction that is to be authorized user only.

What is SE06?

SE06 transaction is used to set the CTS (Change Transport System). It initializes the Transport Management system. A message will populate to configure TMS in client 000. TMS: Transport Management System.

Key Differences Between T-code SCC4 and SE06

  • SCC4 primarily deals with client configuration and settings, affecting all clients in the SAP system whereas SE06 is associated with system-level configuration, with a focus on setting up the Transport Management System (TMS).
  • T-code SCC4 controls the entire client, managing what can be modified within that specific client whereas t-code SE06, through the System Change Option, allows for greater granularity in controlling repository and cross-client customizing objects.
  • T-code SCC4 operates on a client-specific level, making its changes client-dependent whereas SE06 can handle client-independent objects, specifying the behavior of customizing and repository objects at a system-wide level.
  • In SE06, selecting 'Not modifiable in Global setting' takes precedence over other settings in SE06 and SCC4, rendering most of the system non-changeable except for some defined customizing.
  • Conversely, SE06 offers the option to set 'Modifiable as a global setting,' enabling more precise control over which parts of the system can be modified and which cannot.
