FORM f_alv_add_fieldcat USING fu_1 fu_2 fu_3 fu_4 fu_5 fu_6
fu_7 fu_8 fu_9 fu_10 fu_11 fu_12
fu_13 fu_14 fu_15 fu_16 fu_17 fu_18
fu_19 fu_20 fu_21.
gi_it_fieldcat-fieldname = fu_1. " Fieldname
gi_it_fieldcat-ref_tabname = fu_2. " Reference Tablename
gi_it_fieldcat-ref_fieldname = fu_3. " Reference Fieldname
gi_it_fieldcat-no_out = fu_4. " (O)blig.(X)no out
gi_it_fieldcat-outputlen = fu_5. " Output length
gi_it_fieldcat-seltext_l = fu_6. " long key word
gi_it_fieldcat-seltext_m = fu_7. " middle key word
gi_it_fieldcat-seltext_s = fu_8. " short key word
gi_it_fieldcat-reptext_ddic = fu_9. " heading (ddic)
gi_it_fieldcat-round = fu_10. " round in write statement
gi_it_fieldcat-do_sum = fu_11. " sum up
gi_it_fieldcat-hotspot = fu_12. " 'X' = hotspot is active -> Event click
gi_it_fieldcat-decimals_out = fu_13. " decimals in write statement
gi_it_fieldcat-currency = fu_14.
gi_it_fieldcat-quantity = fu_15.
gi_it_fieldcat-qfieldname = fu_16. " field with quantity unit
gi_it_fieldcat-cfieldname = fu_17. " field with currency unit
gi_it_fieldcat-checkbox = fu_18. " 'X' = checkbox or ' ' = not checkbox
gi_it_fieldcat-icon = fu_19. " 'X' = icon or ' ' = not icon
gi_it_fieldcat-fix_column = fu_20. " 'X' = Fix Column On or ' ' = Fix Column off gi_it_fieldcat-key = &21. "
gi_it_fieldcat-key = fu_21. " 'X' = Key or ' ' = not Key
APPEND gi_it_fieldcat.
Different number of parameters in FORM and PERFORM (routine:
F_ALV_ADD_FIELDCAT, number of formal parameters: 21, number of actual
parameters: 12)
please help me.