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Difference between Online and Offline Backup

Updated May 18, 2018

Dear All,
Can anyone tell me what is the difference between online and offline backup. What is redo log files. Why we are supposed to take online and offline backup.

Pls help me.This is because i am new to this field.


  • 13 Apr 2009 1:48 pm Guest Helpful Answer

    Redo log file : mature archive log file is call redo log file ok when user are working on the log inle & is not matured is call redo log file or system or databse cont..using the file but after the matured level the file is call archive.

  • 13 Apr 2009 1:48 pm Guest Helpful Answer

    Online backup: You take the backup of all table spaces while the database is still being accessed by the users. During backup each table space is automatically put into backup mode.

    Offline backup: Backup of all table spaces is taken after the db is shutdown. Nobody can access the db during the period of backup.

    Redo logs: Any DML statement (insert, update, delete) you execute against the database is recorded in the redo logs.
