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Error during the phase MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG

Updated May 18, 2018


OS: Windows Server 2003 X64
DB: MS SQL Server 2005 X64

During the upgrade of our ERP system (from R/3 4.7 to ERP 6.0 EHP5) the SAPup stopped with the following error during the phase MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG:

Checks after phase MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG were negative!
Last error code set: Detected 467 errors summarizes in 'ACTUPG.ELG' Check logfiles 'ACTUPG.ELG' and 'E:usrsapDEVupgabaplogSAPup.ECO'

I checked the ACTUPG.ELG file and it show me the following errors:


1EEDO519X"Data Element" "ZESTIMATI" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "VFAGL_GCDVC_VER_C" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "ZCONSUMO_SEMANA_STRUCT" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "ZMIGO_EDICAO_STRUCT" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table Type" "ZMIGO_EDICAO_TABLE" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "VFAGL_GCDVC_VER_C" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "ZCONSUMO_SEMANA_STRUCT" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "Table" "ZMIGO_EDICAO_STRUCT" could not be activated
1 ETP111 exit code : "8"

I also checked the SAPup.ECO file:
### Phase ACT_UPG:
SAPup> Starting subprocess tp.exe with id 5776 at 20130728150021

EXECUTING E:usrsapDEVupgabapexetp.exe pf=E:usrsapDEVupgabapbinACTUPG.TPP put DEV
Environment: JAVA_HOME=C:j2sdkx64
Environment: Path=C:WINDOWSsystem32;C:WINDOWS;C:WINDOWSSys tem32Wbem;C:WINDOWSsystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C :Program Files (x86)Windows Imaging;C:j2sdkx64bin;C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Toolsbinn;C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90Toolsbinn;C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90DTSBinn;C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90ToolsBinnVSShellCommon7IDE;C:Progr am FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinn;E:usrsapDEVSYSexerun
Environment: auth_shadow_upgrade=1
Environment: dbs_mss_schema=dev
This is E:usrsapDEVupgabapexetp.exe version 380.08.41 (release 720)
Warning: Parameter INTERRUPT is no longer used.
Warning: Parameter DAYLIGHT_SHUTDOWN is no longer used.
Warning: Parameter WITH_TACOB is no longer used.
Warning: Parameter IMPDP_BY_EVENT is no longer used.
Warning: Parameter INTERRUPT is no longer used.
Warning: Parameter DAYLIGHT_SHUTDOWN is no longer used.
Warning: Parameter WITH_TACOB is no longer used.
Warning: Parameter IMPDP_BY_EVENT is no longer used.
Looking for effective putsteps ... ... ready (looking for putsteps)
tp finished with return code: 8
A tool used by tp produced errors
tp=>sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
tp=>sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
Process with ID 2460 terminated with status 8

Can you help me please!? How can I correct the errors?


  • 29 Jul 2013 5:37 am Sushma

    Have you checked the details in SAPACCG702.DEV?

    Also open a message with SAP.
  • 29 Jul 2013 5:37 am Sushma

    You may need to check the table or data element in shadow system, the check will show details, the table name you have posted seems all customizing tables instead of SAP standard table. You may need to check the version and ask your company's developer to fix up the error.

    I have already solved some issue like that in this phase,hope it helps.
  • 29 Jul 2013 5:38 am amit butola
    The file SAPACCG702.DEV is big! It contains a lot of information about the tables activation and the result of that...!

    I opened a message to SAP... I?m waiting!

    Any tip?!

    Thank you
  • 29 Jul 2013 12:49 pm Sushma
    Every thing you need is in the log that you provided and you have been given the proper hint. The tables displayed as errored need to be reviewed in the shadow and activated in order to continue. once you can successfully activate the objects then you can move on...The system offers you some choice on whether to ignore non critical errors and continue or to restart the phase. if you restart the phase and the same errors occur then fix and activate the objects and then choose to continue with the ignore but do this only after you have tried the restart....take good should be discovering these types of errors in your sandbox upgrade (which should be a copy of production) and ironing out all the issues before performing the upgrade in production. In essence build a logical and tested script as you will for the actual production upgrade
  • 30 Jul 2013 5:16 am Sushma
    Connect to the shadow system and activate these tables manually by calling the Tx SE11.
    If you get any errors during the activation check the logs and come back with them.
  • 30 Jul 2013 5:16 am amit butola

    I need to access to the shadow instance with other user than DDIC but the system show me a message "Upgrade still running: Logon not possible". I searched for a solution, a command to unlock it, and I found it in "Troubleshooting and Administration on Windows" but the commands didn't work!

    I tried with the following commands without success:
    cd usrsapputexe (I don't have this path)
    tp unlocksys pf=
    tp unlock_eu pf=

    And the other command is:
    SAPup tp unlock

    But neither of these commands worked!
    Can you help me please and tell me how can I unlock the shadow instance?!

    Thank you
  • 30 Jul 2013 9:04 am Sushma
    You will have to logon as DDIC
  • 30 Jul 2013 12:27 pm amit butola

    But I need to logon with other user in other clients of the shadow instance!

    How can I unlock the upgrade?

    Thank you
  • 30 Jul 2013 12:27 pm Sushma

    Have you tried to use DDIC to solve the issue?

    If I was you I would not unlock the shadow system unless SAP say you should.
  • 31 Jul 2013 5:41 am Sushma
    And the other command is: SAPup tp unlock
    This is wrong.

    You need to go to the bin directory in the upgrade file system and unlock it like I have shown below.

    cd /bin
    ./SAPup unlockshd

    Then you will be able to logon with any user

    You lock the shadow instance
    cd /bin
    ./SAPup lockshd
  • 31 Jul 2013 8:08 am Sushma
    It is not a good idea to unlock the shadow system during the upgrade, unless SAP has specifically instructed you do this.

    You can corrupt the upgrade.
  • 01 Aug 2013 6:52 am Sushma

    Please check the SUM troubleshooting guide.
    Mainly the sections "Evaluating the ELG log files" and "Correcting Errors in the ACT_UPG"

    Paste the last contents of the log files so that we know what problem are you facing.
  • 01 Aug 2013 6:52 am Sushma
    Unlocking the shadow system and also the primary system during the upgrade is done when you encounter an issue during the upgrade process.
    You don't unlock an instance when the upgrade is in progress.
    There are few SAP notes that speak about unlocking the SAP system during upgrade.
  • 01 Aug 2013 6:52 am Sushma

    It is still not recommended to unlock a system during an upgrade, unless SAP have recommended for your issue. This recommendation can come via a SAP note for known problems or to solve a problem you have reported to SAP.

    As there are no notes for this specific problem you need to get SAP to look.
  • 01 Aug 2013 6:53 am Sushma
    I disagree with you.
    The DDIC ACTIVATION ERRORS are common during upgrade activities.
    I have faced numerous times these issues.
    To find out more about the activation issue you will need to analyse the dumps in the SAP system. For that you need to connect to the SAP system and check it.
    DDIC user will let you login to the system without unlocking the system from the OS level.
    If there is a need to implement some changes then you will have to unlock the system.
    There is no where written that you are NOT supposed to unlock the system without the permission of SAP.
