Hi all
We are using SAP ERP connection to supply SAP Forecasting and Replenishment (F&R)
When we run a report FRE_REINIT_LOAD to retransfer transportation lane data to SAP F&R Error Mgs Comes
Error message no 169 with message text "RFC-Error: Communication Failure / System Failure
Can u please help us in solving this error
Use transaction SE91 to create a new message in the message class FRE. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Call transaction SE91
2. Enter the following data in the relevant input field:
a) 'FRE' for the message class
b) '188' for the message number
3. Choose 'Change'.
4. On the following screen, enter the following text in the field for the message short text:
'No relevant lane data selected.'
5. Save your changes.