Check your connection to the SAPNet R/3 front end immediately (Transactions: OSS1, SDCC). The RFC connection in your customer system (Transaction /sm59) is still set to "No load distribution" and therefore directly accesses the main instance of the SAPNet R/3 front end. For technical reasons, the load distribution of SAPNet R/3 front end should be used. This has nothing to do with the general deactivation of the SAP GUI access of the front end. If the specified prerequisites are met, RFC access will still be possible.
Refer to Note 766505, which automatically creates the RFC connection SAPOSS for load balancing with the relevant logon group. The RFC connection SAPOSS serves as a template for all additional connections to the SAPNet R/3 front end. To ensure that these RFC connections are also installed correctly, any existing connections must be deleted using Transaction SM59 and then recreated using the relevant transactions. You can no longer use logon groups to transfer data to SAP.
Carry out the following steps:
1.) Use Transaction SNOTE to implement Note 766505.
2.) Delete all RFC destinations listed below.
3.) Transaction OSS1 ->Parameters -> Technical settings -> Change mode -> Save. The SAPOSS destination can only be updated by saving.
4.) Create the RFC destinations again:
- Use the following path to create SAPNET_RTCC: SE38 -> RTCCTOOL -> list -> Refresh from SAPNet
- Use the following path to create SAPNET_RFC: SDCC -> Maintenance -> Refresh -> Session overview
- SDCC_OSS is created initially when you activate SDCCN. If you then want to create a new copy of SAPOSS, use the following path:
- SDCCN -> Goto -> Settings -> Task specific -> RFC destinations -> Change mode -> 'Create destination to SAPNet R/3 Frontend'
List of RFC destinations:
RFC Connection Created by (RFC Destination)
SAPOSS Transaction OSS1, Note 766505
Using logon groups in dialog mode (SAPGUI connection to the SAPNet R/3 front end, started with Transaction OSS1)
Logon group Intended purpose
1_PUBLIC Note Assistant, customer messages,
tracking, message status
2_JAPANESE as 1_PUBLIC, for Japanese customers.
Performance problem with SNOTE
If you experience performance problems with Transaction SNOTE, use the SAP Download Manager to download the note from SAP Service Marketplace.