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Extract a Substring from a String

Updated Jul 26, 2022

Almost in every IT job interview, the interviewers will surely bring out the topics related to string, and ask the interviewee to perform some operation on a string. To extract a substring from a string is one of those questions. So, in this article, we shall go through some methods to extract a substring from a string in JavaScript language.

What is a string?

In programming, a string is a data type like integers and float that is formed using characters data type in combination. It is usually plain text that resides between two double quotations. For example, "I like JavaScript programming".

Using substring() to extract a substring

Substring() is a JavaScript function that extracts a portion of some entered string.
Here are some examples of using substring() to extract a substring using the substring() function.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2> The substring() extracts a part of a string </h2>
<p id="demo"> </p>
let text = "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.";
let result = text.substring(1, 4);	//extracts the characters from the position 1 to 4
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = result;


Run Code

Explaining the above program:

  1. Here, The variable text stores the string, and the result variable will store the extracted substring.
  2. The id attribute used is for defining the HTML element.
  3. In the line, let result = text.substring(1, 4), the function substring() gets called, and passing parameters (1,4) will separate the characters from position 1 to 4 and store it in the result variable.
  4. Lastly, return the extracted substring stored in the result using the innerHTML method.

Extract a substring using the split() function

Similar to the substring(), the split() function also returns a part of a string. The string gets divided and the separation depends on the parameter we pass to the split() function. The split() function will split every character in the string if ("") is the parameter, and it will separate the words if (" ") is the parameter.  



<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Program to extract a substring from a string</h1>
<h2>Extract the desired word from a string</h2>
<p>The second word is:</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
let text = "How are you doing today?";
const myArray = text.split(" ");//The split(" ") function divides the string into an array of words
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = myArray[2];//prints the the third word from the divided string  


Run Code

Working of the program:

  1. Here, the variable text stores the string, and the id attribute will define the HTML element.
  2. In the line, const myArray = text.split(" "), the split() function will separate the string stored in the variable text. Every word gets split and stored in the myArray array.
  3. Lastly, it will return the substring from the array using the innerHTML method.


This article was about the methods for extracting a substring from a string. Handling strings and substrings are essential for everyone to create large applications. There are several methods and inbuilt functions in JavaScript for that purpose. There are two functions described in the above article for extracting a substring from a string. They are, substring(), split().
