ABKRS: is the default value for payroll accounting area. It is used to set Payroll area on infotype 0001.
ABKRS is for defaulting the payroll accounting area means the Employee belongs to which accounting area.
TARIFF: Used to set payscale area and type on IT0008.
Tariff feature is Pay scale type/ pay scale Area which you can see in IT0008.
It Default the pay scale type and pay scale area. Payscale type tell about what kind of industry you are implementing and Payscale area tells about the area in which your company is held and doing business. Pay scale type & pay scale area are part of Pay scale structure.
List of Features Used in SAP HR
To get the list of features used in SAP HR Goto Transaction PE03.
Then on the Feature textbox press F4. Now you get a full list of features.
or you can Go to Transaction SE11-> table T549D -> Feature dictionary. You will get a list of Features.
For e.g - TARIFF(set Pay Scale Type and Pay Scale Area), ABKRS( PY Area), VDSK1, TSMTA(time status), SCHKZ(planned working time), ENTRY, CONTR, LGMST(Wage type slection in IT 0008), NUMKR(Personal Nerson Range), QUOMO( Absence quotas) 40ACK, 40ECC, etc.