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Find PCD Location of PCD Object

Updated May 18, 2018

How to find the PCD location of a PCD object?

There is two option to find the PCD location of a PCD object:

Option 1:

In order to find the PCD location of a PCD object for SAP CE 7.1 and SAP Netweaver 7.3x please execute the following steps:

  • First login to the portal as an Administrator user
  • Now go to 'Content Administration' > 'Portal Content Management'
  • Within the Portal Content go to the PCD object you would like to find the location for e.g. an iView or a page
  • Now right click it and please choose 'Open'
  • Now within the properties panel display all the properties instead of 'Basic'
  • Now search for property 'Location' which represents the PCD location.
  • You can copy this location for support like it represents the unique path of the object in PCD.

In order to find the PCD location of a PCD object for SAP Netweaver 7.0x please follow the steps below:

  • First login to the portal as an Administrator user
  • Now go to 'Content Administration' > 'Portal Content Management'
  • Within the Portal, Content go to the PCD object you would like to find the location for e.g. an iView or a page
  • Now right click it and please choose 'Open' -> Object
  • Now search for 'PCD Location' which represents the PCD location.

Option 2:

  • First click on the iview/page
  • Now go to the "Option" tab and select "Details" from the dropdown.

  • You notice a popup which will give you the complete details of the PCD path. (Object ID= PCD Path)

  • You can copy this location for support like it represents the unique path of the object in PCD.
