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Give me syntax for Box command.

Updated May 18, 2018

BOX XPOS 2 MM WIDTH 0 CM HEIGHT '9.5' CM FRAME 10 TW Script Commands. Defining a variable DEFINE &CUST& = '00000021'.

Define and insert a standard text:
Standard texts is predifined textst that can be used in more than one form. Standard texts are can be created, changed and displayed using transaction SO10. The text ID is used to callsify texts. To include a stadard text in a form, use the INCLUDE command: /: INCLUDE Z_BC460_EX4_HF OBJECT TEXT ID SDVD When formatting the standard text the PARAGRAPH parameter is used. To center the text use: /: INCLUDE Z_BC460_EX4_HF OBJECT TEXT ID SDVD LANGUAGE EN PARAGRAPH C. Formatting addresses The ADDRESS-ENDADDRESS command formats addresses according to the postal norms of the recipient's country, as defined in the country parameter. ADDRESS DELIVERY PARAGRAPH AD NAME &KNA1-NAME& STREET &KNA1-STRAS& POSTCODE &KNA1-PSTLZ& CITY &KNA1-ORT01&' COUNTRY &KNA1-LAND1& FROMCOUNTRY 'DE' ENDADDRESS Avoiding pagebreaks in a paragraph /: PROTECT : : /: ENDPROTECT The text lines to be protected are enclosed between the two commands Conditonal text ouput IF - ENDIF You can use IF/ENDIF like in a normal ABAP program /: IF condition : : /: ENDIF and /: IF condition : /: ELSE : /: ENDIF Example: /: IF &SPFLI-CITYTO& = "BERLIN" ..... put some text here /: ENDIF

Symbols and Control commands
Symbols are placeholders for values that are inserted during print formatting. Symbols are indentified by name surrounded by "&" and are not case sensitive Types of symbols System symbols DATE Date DAY Day NAME_OF_DAY Name of day MONTH Month YEAR Year TIME Time HOURS Hours MINUTES Minutes SECONDS Seconds PAGE Page number NEXTPAGE Number of next pagre DEVICE Output device SPACE Blank space ULINE Underline VLINE Vertical line Standard symbols Standard symbols are user defined and are maintained in table TTDG(table is not available???). You use transaction SM30 to change or display standard symbols. An examples of standard symbols is &MFG& fot "Yours faithfully" Standard text Standard texts is predifined texts that can be used in more than one form. Standard texts are can be created, changed and displayed using transaction SO10. The text ID is used to classify texts. To include a standard text in a form, use the INCLUDE command: /: INCLUDE Z_BC460_EX4_HF OBJECT TEXT ID SDVD When formatting the standard text the PARAGRAPH parameter is used. To center the text use: /: INCLUDE <name> <parameter> <parameter> = Object, ID, Language, Paragraph Example: /: INCLUDE Z_BC460_EX4_HF OBJECT TEXT ID SDVD LANGUAGE EN PARAGRAPH C. Name: Z_BC460_EX4_HF Object: Text Text id: SDVD (Text id from SO10) Language: EN Paragraph: C (Centered) Tip: You can use menu Insert->Text->Standard to make it easier to insert the text Program symbols Program symbols are for contents of database fields or global program symbols. When you print the form, data from the database tables are printed isntead of the symbols. In the print program: TABLES: kna1. In the form: &KNA1-NAME1& Formatting &SYMBOL& No formatting
&SYMBOL+4& Offset - Output begins here. Offset refers to formatted value
&SYMBOL(5)& Length - Output data in the specified length
&SYMBOL(I)& Suppress initial value - If the field has been initialized, nothing is output
&SYMBOL(Z)& Suppress leading zeros
&SYMBOL(C)& Compress blank spaces - Consecutice spaces are compressed into a single space. Leading spacesare suppressed.
&SYMBOL(R)& Right align output
&SYMBOL(S)& Operators are suppressed
&SYMBOL(*)& Dictionary length - The data length is defined by the ABAP dictionary
&SYMBOL(8.2)& Decimal format. Length 8 decimals 2
&'text1'SYMBOL'text2'& Text can be inserted before and after the symbol
Control commands Control command are used to modify text output. Use format key /: in the format column. /: INCLUDE /: DEFINE /: ADDRESS....ENDADDRESS /: PROTECT.....ENDPROTECT /: NEW-PAGE /: IF....ENDIF /: CASE...ENDCASE Examples of control commands INCLUDE INCLUDE name <parameter> Parameters: OBJECT E.g. TEXT, DOKU (Document), DSYS (Hypertext). ID Text ID -Text ID is a way to group texts - Se transaction SO10 LANGUAGE If the parameter is not specefied, the logon language will be used PARAGRAPH The text to be included is formatted using the style allocated. The PARAGRAPH parameter can be used to redefine the standard paragraph for this style for the current call. All *-paragraphs in the included text will then be formatted using the paragraph specified here.

Object ID Language Paragraph Standard texts are maintained in transaction SO10.

Example 1: You have created a standard text in SO10 Named MYTEXT and with Text Id ST /: INCLUDE MYTEXT OBJECT text ID st
Example 2: You can also use a dynamic name so that you can retreive a ext depeding of the name variable: /: INCLUDE &SCUSTOM-NAME& text ID st. Depending on the name in the variable &SCUSTOM-NAME& different texts will be shown. Note that a text with the name in the variable &SCUSTOM-NAME& name must be created in SO10. DEFINE /: DEFINE &SYMBOL& = 'StringADDRESS-ENDDRESS The ADDRESS-ENDADDRESS command formats addresses according to the postal norms of the recipient's country, as defined in the country parameter. /: ADDRESS DELIVERY PARAGRAPH AD /: NAME &KNA1-NAME& /: STREET &KNA1-STRAS& /: POSTCODE &KNA1-PSTLZ& /: CITY &KNA1-ORT01& /: COUNTRY &KNA1-LAND1& /: FROMCOUNTRY 'DE' /: ENDADDRESS
Time Date and decimal format Examples: /: SET TIME MASK = 'HH:MM' /: SET DATE MASK = 'DD.MMMM.YYYY' /: SET COUNTRY 'USA' Frames, lines and shading BOX Draws a box Syntax: /: BOX <xpos> <ypos> <width> <height> <intensity> The intensity is the grey scale of the box as %. The frame parameters is the thickness of the frame. Default is 0. Each of the paramteters ypos, xpos, width, height and frame muts be followed of the measurement unit: TW (twip) PT (point) IN (inch) MM (millimeter) CM (centimeter) LN (line) CH (character). Examples: 1 String2' /: DEFINE &CUST& = '00000021'.
/: BOX XPOS '11.21' MM YPOS '5.31' MM HEIGHT '10' MM WIDTH '20' MM INTENSITY 10 FRAME 0 TW /: BOX FRAME 10 TW Draws a frame around the current window with a frame thickness of 10 TW (= 0.5 PT). /: BOX INTENSITY 10 Fills the window background with shading having a gray scale of 10 %. /: BOX HEIGHT 0 TW FRAME 10 TW Draws a horizontal line across the complete top edge of the window. /: BOX WIDTH 0 TW FRAME 10 TW Draws a vertical line along the complete height of the left hand edge of the window. /: BOX WIDTH '17.5' CM HEIGHT 1 CM FRAME 10 TW INTENSITY 15 /: BOX WIDTH '17.5' CM HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW /: BOX XPOS '10.0' CM WIDTH 0 TW HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW /: BOX XPOS '13.5' CM WIDTH 0 TW HEIGHT '13.5' CM FRAME 10 TW Draws two rectangles and two lines to construct a table of three columns with a highlighted heading section. POSITION and SIZE You can use the POSITION and SIZE commands to set default parmeters for a box. This can be usefull if you have several boxes that share the same parameters. Example: /: POSITION XORIGIN '11.21' YORIGIN '5.31' MM /: SIZE HEIGHT '2' MM WIDTH '76' MM /: BOX FRAME 10 TW INTENSITY 10 If you want to set the position realtively to the window use POSITION WINDOW to set the position to the top/left start of the window. Then use POSITION to set the current position relatively to the start of the Window. Note that you uses "+" or "-" in the ORIGIN position to the set the position relatively. /: POSITION WINDOW /: POSITION XORIGIN '+5' MM YORIGIN '+10' MM the position is now 5 MM from the left and 10 MM from the top of the window. NOTE: After using the position command you can move the current position realtively to the last used position /: POSITION XORIGIN '+10' MM YORIGIN '+20' MM Now the position will be X = 15 and Y = 30 Drawing a line You can draw a line by setting the Height or Width of a box to 0 and add a frame. E.g. a horizontal line: /: SIZE HEIGHT '0' MM WIDTH '200' MM /: BOX FRAME 10 TW XPOS '11.21' MM YPOS '14.81' MM INTENSITY 100 Window and Page WINDOW sets the values for the width and height to the values of the current window (default setting). PAGE Sets the values for the width and height to the values of the current output page. Examples: /: SIZE WINDOW Sets WIDTH and HEIGHT to the current window dimensions. /: SIZE WIDTH '3.5' CM HEIGHT '7.6' CM Sets WIDTH to 3.5 cm and HEIGHT to 7.6 cm. /: POSITION WINDOW /: POSITION XORIGIN -20 TW YORIGIN -20 TW /: SIZE WIDTH +40 TW HEIGHT +40 TW /: BOX FRAME 10 TW A frame is added to the current window. The edges of the frame extend beyond the edges of the window itself, so as to avoid obscuring the leading and trailing text characters.
