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How to create a password exception list?

Updated May 18, 2018

How to create a password exception list?

Place the answers in table USR40.


  • 30 Jan 2010 5:18 am Guest Helpful Answer
    You can create the Password exeception from the USR40 table if you have the authorization of DEBUGGING. Suppose you want to set that any password containing "welcome" will be an exception. So you can follow the below steps for creating this as an exception:-

    1. Execute the T-code SE16.
    2. Insert USR40 in the Tablename field. Display the existing values over there.
    3. Select any of the line item & go to debug mode by /h.
    4. Select the field 'code' & change the value from 'SHOW' to 'INSR' & press F8[Run(to cursor)].
    5. Enter "*WELCOME*" in the password field & save.You will get the message as "Database record successfully created".
    6. Go back to SE16 & view the USR40 table again. You will find your entry as an exception in the table.
