In case, if we have 2 client(production and quality) in single node. If we want to export the production master data to quality client, than what could be the procedure?
Which profile need to be selected and what is the process?
If anyone has any clue related to my aforementioned query then please share that with me.
Thanks in Advance!
The production system should be hosted in a separated node. Just to answer your question, you could use local client copy (SCCL) with profile SAP_ALL from QAS. This will copy the entire client from Production. (also called Client Refresh) If you want to retain the user master data for the target system (QAS)
1. export the user master using SCC8 with profile SAP_USER to the OS before the client copy;
2. perform local client copy SCCL and;
3. import the User Master Data back using SCC7 DL.