I install sapr3 4.7 and on WIN 2003& orale Db and after installation I set the the passwords for SAP* & DDIC on client 000 then I forget it.
Pls help me how to reset them to login to the system by client 000& i in form u i can login with 001 & 066
## Rest the password of 'sap*' in client 000
## Log on to oracle database using sqlplus.
sqlplus / nolog
SQL>connect /as sysdba
SQL>update .USR01 set bname='SAP*1' where bname='SAP*' and MANDT=000;
## [ e.g.: update SAPR3.USR01 set bname='SAP*1' where bname='SAP*' and MANDT=000; ]
## [e.g. : update SAP.USR01 set bname='SAP*1' where bname='SAP*' and MANDT=000;]
## This will reset the user SAP* in client 000 . After loggin in client with user SAP* change the passwords for other users.
## You can user client number of your respective client.
## Please note do not reset any other user than SAP* with this method.