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Stop the Batch Job through SM37 for Indefinite

Updated May 18, 2018


Please help me for resolveing my jproblem. How to stop the batch job through sm37 for indefinite time So plz all sab guru have any solution

plz send ASAP


  • 13 Apr 2009 1:49 pm Guest Helpful Answer

    You can cancel the active job from sm37

    From the job list in sm37 to update the status of job 

    select the job and from menu job --> check status

    From the job list in SM37 to cancle the job which is active

    select the job and from menu job --> cacle active job

    From the job list in SM37 change the status of relesed to schedule so that it will not run unless triggerd or conditioned occured.

    select the job and from menu job --> released to scheduled

    then select the job againg and change the start condition

    From the job list in SM37 change the status of relesed to schedule so that it will not run unless triggerd or conditioned occured.

    select the job and from menu job --> released to scheduled

  • 13 Apr 2009 1:49 pm Guest Helpful Answer

    Hi ,

    Every batch job actually runs a programme that is used to process the job.My point here is:-

    1).Check and find out which programme that batch job is running.

    2).In SE38 there is a button for "Where used list"

    3).This button tells you which job the in which that programme is used.

    So your action plan should be:-

    1).find the prog

    2).In SE38 see which jobs the prog is used.

    3).Target the job now as you know how the job gets triggered and which progs trigger the job.

    This should work unless you are being plagued with this type of problem in which case please send in some more details which will help in figuring out the solution.
