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SAP IdM (Identity Management)

Definition or Meaning -What is SAP IdM?

Full form or SAP IdM stands for (Identity Management), In a complex working environment, today companies face challenges managing their user accounts. SAP identity management assists companies to cope in complex system to manage different identities centrally including both SAP and NON-SAP systems. Using workflow technology it offers authorized user information enabling self-service management of user information. Organizations today are facing big challenges related to identity management. Right access to applications with respect to time and making data secured is a must for an organization to ensure. Apart from this it also has to be ensured that accessing assets of the company are meeting company policies and legal resolutions.


SAP Identity Management is not an expensive tool with low operational cost and high productivity. With a self-service functionality of password, it reduces segregation of duties and manages access to applications. Generating a self-dependency it enables to track each and every task related to access and you no longer have to depend upon service or help desk for resetting passwords. Achieving compliance as per certain laws and act is one of the benefit wherein it becomes easy to track who had access to which applications when. Dealing with life cycle of a user in a complex environment is another benefits of identity management avoiding security risk, minimize violation of segregation of duties and managing the process centrally.

Features and Function of SAP Identity Management

  • Offering business-driven identity management. Once a central mechanism is inbuilt in your organization by efficiently managing the user with multiple application an organization can enjoy greater benefits.
  • Various audit reports can be generated on the basis of current access and past events. The process exhibits transparency maintaining access rights for a user and administrative permission.
  • Effectively maintain segregation of duties and stop the violation of company rules and policies.
  • The cost incurred on the service desk can be minimized as a tool work on self-service principle and assist in password reset or lost password. Even the tool possesses the ability to update personal information.
  • Enabling access to users on the basis of roles and giving privileges rather than technical directory structure.
  • The tool is not very costly generating high productivity avoiding security risk and violation of any policies.
  • Helps in maintaining life cycle of a user and provoke any unauthorized access.
  • The tool saves time and resources by enabling users to update their profile once with a simple password to log on.
  • With a unified view of the virtual identity of users, it integrates and leverage information in terms of identity and access rights across networks.
  • Rule-driven workflows and approval process.
  • Improved data consistency and reduce complexity in managing heterogeneous environments.

SAP IdM (Identity Management) is driving management form technical level to business level. Enhancing security managing centrally it drives IT administration to business process owners. Offering more personalized services enabling who should have access with quick reporting in the form of audit has offered immense help to the booming organization sustaining and growing in a healthy environment.
