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IGS WATCHDOG has Stopped

Updated Jul 25, 2018

Dear friends,

In my IDES 4.7 server IGS WATCHDOG has been stopped.


Igs Watchdog has been stopped
Plz help me

What should I do in order to resolve this issue.

Please help me.


  • 10 Oct 2008 2:04 pm Shalesh Singh Visen

    Please check the log of IGS dire /usr/sap/SID/DV*/IGS/....
    igs lines check start profile defined correctly
    please stop igs service and restart it .
  • 07 Jan 2011 8:29 pm Guest
    Please also check which parts of the IGS are working and which are not.
    The IGS consists of different parts which interface with each other. If in case one part fails or not properly connected the "whole service" fails.
    The IGS itself (without the connection to R/3) consists of three main parts:
    • The Mux (multiplexer) which takes incoming requests and dispatches them to the Portwatchers
    • The Portwatchers, which may or may not run on the same machine as the Mux and serve as hosts for the Interpreters
    • The Interpreters, which generate the "answer" = the content
