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Inconsistency between database and Dictionary

Updated May 18, 2018

Programs issue a message that there is an error or inconsistency in the ABAP Dictionary. An inconsistency may be caused by the following:

  1. The table was activated by illegal means and not adjusted to the database in the process.
  2. When the table was activated, a database error occurred that prevented the adjustment to the database and, for once, provided no return code.
  3.  After an attempted conversion for the table that terminated in step 5, the system restores the table by renaming your QCM table.

This note applies only to transparent tables. It does not apply to physical pools and clusters.


You can verify the inconsistency using one of the following methods:

  • Call SE11 and choose the menu path "Utilities" > "Database Object" > "Check".
  • Call SE14 and choose the menu path "Check" > "Database Object".
  • Call SE14 and choose the menu path "Extras" > "Database Object" > "Check" (F6).

To prevent loss of data, you can no longer activate the table during a conversion if this inconsistency exists.
Therefore, you cannot execute this conversion.
Activating the table with transaction SE11 does not change its inconsistent state.

To eliminate the inconsistency in tables, proceed as follows:

a) Log on as user DDIC.

b) Call transaction SE14.

c) Enter the name of the table and choose "Edit".

d) In the menu, choose: "Table" -> "Reconstruct".

e) Confirm the execution as an emergency repair.

f) Select the radio button for the processing type as follows: "Direct" or (for very large tables) "Background".

g) Select the "Save data" radio button.

h) Choose "Activate and adjust database" to activate the table.

Check the consistency of the table again in transaction SE14:

  • F6 - between database and runtime object
  • F7 - between runtime object and the description in the ABAP Dictionary.

To eliminate the inconsistency in an index, proceed as follows:

  1. Call transaction SE14.
  2. Enter the name of the table and choose "Edit".
  3. Choose "Indexes".
  4. Select the index and choose "Choose (F2)".
  5. If you choose "Activate and adjust", the system creates the index again and it is consistent.
  6. Check the object log of this activation.
  7. If an error occurs, eliminate the cause and reactivate the index.

If this does not eliminate the inconsistency, create a CSN message under the component BC-DWB-DIC-AC.


  • 27 Sep 2010 4:01 pm Guest
    good material thanx
  • 27 Sep 2010 4:08 pm Guest
    thank you very much
  • 13 Oct 2012 6:34 pm Guest
    How can I find all the tables that need such treatment i.e. the list of tables for which the ABAP Dictionary and Database are inconsistent?
  • 19 Jan 2014 7:55 pm Guest

    sap*job there is report to identify this 

  • 04 Mar 2017 9:10 pm Guest

    hi frnd,   Database and  ABAP DDIC  identify your doute  ? your create only custom tables  start with key Z or Y so you can given technical and enhance setting those are  physically allocate area and feature chages in Database table..

  • 04 Mar 2017 9:16 pm Guest

    hai frnd , how to identify ABAP DDIC and Database ? your create only Custom tables so that table to given technicla seting and enhancement so technical setting are use for physical allocate the space in database and enhace is used foe in feature chages in Database in any attributes so both are disside the what is the linke between abap DDIC and Database ...

