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How to Install a new version of SAPOSCOL.

Updated Jan 13, 2020

The data in ST06, OS06, OS07 or in the 'Operating System' monitor of transaction RZ20 contains errors. Incorrect data in one of the above monitors may have different causes. For example, an obsolete version of the SAPOSCOL operating system collector may cause incorrect or incomplete data. SAPOSCOL is a standalone program. It can be installed and exchanged independently of the SAP System. Always use a current version of SAPOSCOL, if possible.

Install a new version of SAPOSCOL.

As of NetWeaver  7.10, SAPOSCOL is part of the package SAPHOSTAGENT.SAR.
For  lower than 7.10, you can install SAPOSCOL (SAPOSCOL.SAR) separately from SAP Service Marketplace (
SAPOSCOL is downward compatible with regard to the SAP. This means that the SAPOSCOL can be higher than the SAP Basis.
However, SAPOSCOL is dependent on the operating system. Therefore, choose the correct SAPOSCOL version as follows:

1. If the operating system is current, use the current version of SAPOSCOL from the following directory:

-> SAP Support Packages and Patches
   -> Entry by Application Group
      -> Additional Components
        -> SAP Kernel
            -> SAP KERNEL 32-BIT|64-BIT
              -> SAP KERNEL 7.00|7.01|6.40 32-BIT|64-BIT
                  -> SAP KERNEL 7.00|7.01|6.40 32-BIT|64-BIT
                        -> Database Independent

2. If the operating system is not current enough, use the current Version 6.40. If the operating system is not current enough for Version 6.40, use the current Version 4.6D_EXT:

-> SAP Support Packages and Patches
   -> Entry by Application Group
      -> Additional Components
        -> SAP Kernel
            -> SAP KERNEL 32-BIT|64-BIT
              -> SAP KERNEL 4.6D_EXT|6.20 32-BIT|64-BIT
                  -> SAP KERNEL 4.6D_EXT|6.20 32-BIT|64-BIT
                        -> Database Independent

3. If you want to install or exchange SAPOSCOL on a host without an SAP System, if possible, also use Version 6.40 of SAPOSCOL. Depending on the operating system, you may have to install lower versions of SAPOSCOL.

Special rule for Tru64:
For TRU64 4.0x, install SAPOSCOL 4.6D
For TRU64 5.1, install SAPOSCOL 6.40.

Installing SAPOSCOL


The following section describes how to install SAPOSCOL. To do this, use a user with root authorization. On some platforms, root authorizations are not absolutely necessary.

1. Switch to the following directory:


2. First, stop any SAPOSCOL that may be running by using the following command:

                       saposcol -k

3. If you want to install SAPOSCOL as a root user or exchange an old SAPOSCOL that is still running with root authorizations, change the user by using:

                       su root

              Otherwise, ensure that you use the user < sid>adm for the installation.

4. Copy the old version of SAPOSCOL as a backup by using:

                       cp saposcol saposcol.old

5. Installation with root authorization

        a) Copy the new SAPOSCOL version into the following target directory:

                       cp /saposcol_ saposcol

        b) Assign the correct authorizations to SAPOSCOL by using:

                       chgrp sapsys saposcol
chmod 4750 saposcol

        c) Since SAPOSCOL runs with root authorization, only users of the group 'sapsys' (for example, adm ) should have access to it. If you install SAPOSCOL on hosts without an SAP System, also use a user group (similar to 'sapsys') to assign the access authorizations.

6. Installation without root authorization

        a) Copy the new version of SAPOSCOL into the following target directory:

                       cp /saposcol_ saposcol

        b) Assign the correct authorizations to SAPOSCOL by using:

                       chgrp sapsys saposcol
chmod 750 saposcol

                       Note that when you install several systems on a host, all adm users must have access to SAPOSCOL. For this reason, you must install SAPOSCOL as adm and it must be executable from the group 'sapsys'.

7. Start the new SAPOSCOL version by calling:



This procedure is similar to the installation on Unix platforms. Proceed as follows:

1. Stop the SAPOsCol service in the Microsoft Management Console.

2. Save the old version of SAPOSCOL in the following directory:

                       usrsapsysexerun  or

3. Replace this with the new version.

4. Start the SAPOsCol service again in the Microsoft Management Console.

For SAPOSCOL to work correctly, the file PDH.DLL must exist in the %WINDIR%system32 directory. If this file is missing or obsolete, you can download and install a current version for Windows NT 4.0 from As of Windows 2000, the file pdh.dll is contained within the system and is subject to the MS patch procedure.
