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Error FF 817 or FF 818 with postings via BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST FAQ' s

Updated May 18, 2018

What causes error message FF 818?

Item-by-item tax calculation is active for the company code used in the posting. In transaction OBCO, the relevant indicator is active for the tax calculation procedure used. Consequently, the tax is not determined for the entire document. Instead, it must be determined and posted individually for each expense item or revenue item. In order to be able to assign the tax items to the corresponding expense items and revenue items, which provide the basis for the tax calculation, it is necessary to use the field ITEMNO_TAX to establish a reference between these items in the parameters ACCOUNTGL and ACCOUNTTAX. If this reference does not exist (that is, the field is not filled in one of these parameters or the value in the field ITEMNO_TAX differs in each parameter), the system issues error message FF 818.

What causes error message FF 817?

Item-by-item tax calculation is not active for the company code used in the posting. In transaction OBCO, the relevant indicator is not active for the tax calculation procedure used. However, in the data transferred to the BAPI, a value was nevertheless filled in the parameter ITEMNO_TAX in the structures ACCOUNTGL or ACCOUNTTAX. However, these fields must only be used with an item-by-item tax calculation. Therefore, do not fill these parameters in this case.

When is item-by-item tax calculation used?

Generally, an item-by-item tax calculation is used only in company codes associated with the following countries: United States, Canada and, to some extent, India. If an external tax reporting system is used, the tax must be reported on an item-by-item basis and therefore also posted on an item-by-item basis. You can activate or deactivate the item-by-item tax calculation in the tax calculation procedure in transaction OBCO.

What solutions are available for this error?

Generally, the settings associated with the item-by-item tax calculation are correct in the calculation procedure used. Most of the time, this error is caused by an incorrect call in the accounting BAPI.

Depending on which application is used to call the BAPI, proceed as follows:

Postings from CRM

Implement SAP s 1932280 and 1982803.

Postings to an Indian company code

If you use an Indian company code during the posting, error FF 818 or FF 817 may occur even though an external tax system is not used here. The details in ITEMNO_TAX are only required for postings with the transaction (DOCUMENTHEADER-BUS_ACT or LOGVO) RMRP, RFBU and RMWE. If you are posting another transaction, implement SAP s 1872988 and 2003921.
Otherwise, complete the BAPI's parameters as described in the posting example.

Postings from another SAP application

Open a customer message under the application component associated with the source application and make reference to this SAP .

Postings from a third party application

Contact Support for the third party application.

Postings with a customer program

If you call the BAPI in your own program, it can be assumed that the tax information was transferred incorrectly. that the BAPI cannot calculate the tax itself and therefore the source application must transfer all of the tax information to the BAPI. If you use a tax code in which several tax conditions are maintained, an item in the structure ACCOUNTTAX must be transferred for each of these conditions.

If item-by-item tax calculation is active, the items must also be linked to each other in the parameter ITEMNO_TAX in the structures ACCOUNTGL and ACCOUNTTAX. To achieve this, enter the same value in the parameter ITEMNO_TAX in each structure.

If item-by-item tax calculation is not active, you must not enter a value in the parameter ITEMNO_TAX in the structures ACCOUNTGL and ACCOUNTTAX.

An example of how a correct BAPI call should look for an item-by-item tax calculation is provided in Section 6.

Is there a workaround for quickly dealing with this error?

You can customize error messages FF 817 and FF 818. You can therefore deactivate the messages in transaction OBA5 so that the system response reverts to the old response prior to implementing SAP 1886654. However, you should only use this as a temporary solution if the error occurs in a production system and you need to make an urgent posting. A permanent solution is to remove the cause of the error. Therefore, refer to the procedure described in Section 4.

Example of tax posting via a BAPI

If, during the posting, you use a tax code with two tax conditions (7% and 5%), you must fill the transfer parameters as follows:

ITEMNO_ACC = '0000000001'

ITEMNO_ACC = '0000000002'
GL_ACCOUNT = '0000400000'
TAXJURCODE = 'PA0011000'
ITEMNO_TAX = '000001'

ITEMNO_ACC = '0000000003'
GL_ACCOUNT = '0000012345'
TAXJURCODE = 'PA0010000'
ITEMNO_TAX = '000001'

ITEMNO_ACC = '0000000004'
GL_ACCOUNT = '0000012345'
TAXJURCODE = 'PA0011000'
ITEMNO_TAX = '000001'

ITEMNO_ACC = '0000000001'
CURR_TYPE = '00'
AMT_DOCCUR = '113-'

ITEMNO_ACC = '0000000002'
CURR_TYPE = '00'
AMT_DOCCUR = '100'

ITEMNO_ACC = '0000000003'
CURR_TYPE = '00'
AMT_BASE = '100'

ITEMNO_ACC = '0000000004'
CURR_TYPE = '00'
AMT_BASE = '100'

The detailed tax information, which you must transfer to the structure ACCOUNTTAX, is contained in your tax calculation procedure in transaction FTXP.
