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J2ee server not starting ..

Updated May 18, 2018

Hi All ,

we have installed java addin for our abap system with AIX and DB2 .
Now the Java engine is not coming up..
I have attached the log file , kindly help me with the same.

trc file: "/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/dev_jcontrol", trc level: 1, release: "700"
node name   : jcontrol
pid         : 630784
system name : QAR
system nr.  : 00
started at  : Sat Jan 17 10:10:03 2009
arguments	  :
	  arg[00] : jcontrol
	  arg[01] : pf=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
	  arg[02] : -DSAPSTART=1
	  arg[03] : -DCONNECT_PORT=64976
	  arg[04] : -DSAPSYSTEM=00
	  arg[06] : -DSAPMYNAME=ibeccqar_QAR_00
	  arg[07] : -DSAPPROFILE=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
	  arg[08] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
	  arg[09] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:03 2009
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx_mt. 841]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx_mt. 841]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3201] [jstartxx_mt. 841]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx_mt. 841]

JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/]
-> ms host    : 
-> ms port    : 36
-> OS libs    : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> Admin URL  : 
-> run mode   : NORMAL
-> run action : NONE
-> enabled    : yes

Used property files
-> files [00] : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> files [01] : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/SDM/program/config/

Instance properties
-> ms host    : 
-> ms port    : 36
-> os libs    : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> admin URL  : 
-> run mode   : NORMAL
-> run action : NONE
-> enabled    : yes

Bootstrap nodes
-> [00] bootstrap            : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> [01] bootstrap_ID6063800  : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> [02] bootstrap_ID6063850  : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/

Worker nodes
-> [00] ID6063800            : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> [01] ID6063850            : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> [02] sdm                  : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/SDM/program/config/

[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Key profile parameters not set /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL:
 j2ee/scs/system= [jcntrxx_mt.c 1459]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't open default profile [/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL] for migration [jcntrxx_mt.c 1460]
[Thr  1] SigISetDefaultAction : default handling for signal 20
[Thr  1] JControlExecuteBootstrap: execute bootstrap process [bootstrap]
[Thr 258] JControlDPMessageProxy: Thread 258 started as handler thread for R/3 dispatcher messages.
[Thr  1] [Node: bootstrap] java home is set by profile parameter
	Java Home: /usr/java14_64
[Thr  1] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar

JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [bootstrap]
-> node name          : bootstrap
-> node type          : bootstrap
-> node execute       : yes
-> java path          : /usr/java14_64
-> java parameters    : -Djco.jarm=1 -Xj9
-> java vm version    : J2RE 1.4.2 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9ap64142-20080923 (JIT enabled)
-> java vm vendor     : IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : ppc64
-> heap size          : 256M
-> root path          : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster
-> class path         : ./bootstrap/launcher.jar
-> OS libs path       : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar
-> parameters         : ./bootstrap ID0060638
-> debuggable         : yes
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 60000
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000

JControlStartJLaunch: program = /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe/jlaunch
-> arg[00] = /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe/jlaunch
-> arg[01] = pf=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[02] = -DSAPINFO=QAR_00_bootstrap
-> arg[03] = -nodeId=-1
-> arg[04] = -file=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> arg[05] = -syncSem=687865940
-> arg[06] = -nodeName=bootstrap
-> arg[07] = -jvmOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/jvm_bootstrap.out
-> arg[08] = -stdOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/std_bootstrap.out
-> arg[09] = -locOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/dev_bootstrap
-> arg[10] = -mode=BOOTSTRAP
-> arg[11] = pf=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[12] = -DSAPSTART=1
-> arg[13] = -DCONNECT_PORT=34470
-> arg[14] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00
-> arg[16] = -DSAPMYNAME=ibeccqar_QAR_00
-> arg[17] = -DSAPPROFILE=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[18] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
-> arg[19] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
-> lib path = LIBPATH=/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin/classic:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin/j9vm:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe::/usr/lib:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run
-> exe path = PATH=/usr/java14_64/bin:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs:/usr/java14_64/bin:/home/qaradm:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/qaradm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/bin:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/adm:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/misc

[Thr  1] JStartupICreateProcess: fork process (pid 729308)

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:08 2009
[Thr  1] JControlExecuteBootstrap: read instance values after global bootstrap
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx_mt. 841]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx_mt. 841]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3201] [jstartxx_mt. 841]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx_mt. 841]

JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/]
-> ms host    : 
-> ms port    : 36
-> OS libs    : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> Admin URL  : 
-> run mode   : NORMAL
-> run action : NONE
-> enabled    : yes

[Thr  1] JControlExecuteBootstrap: enumerate the nodes after global bootstrap

Used property files
-> files [00] : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> files [01] : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/SDM/program/config/

Instance properties
-> ms host    : 
-> ms port    : 36
-> os libs    : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> admin URL  : 
-> run mode   : NORMAL
-> run action : NONE
-> enabled    : yes

Bootstrap nodes
-> [00] bootstrap            : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> [01] bootstrap_ID6063800  : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> [02] bootstrap_ID6063850  : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/

Worker nodes
-> [00] ID6063800            : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> [01] ID6063850            : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> [02] sdm                  : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/SDM/program/config/

[Thr  1] JControlExecuteBootstrap: execute bootstrap process [bootstrap_ID6063800]
[Thr  1] [Node: dispatcher bootstrap] java home is set by profile parameter
	Java Home: /usr/java14_64
[Thr  1] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar

JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [bootstrap_ID6063800]
-> node name          : dispatcher bootstrap
-> node type          : bootstrap
-> node execute       : yes
-> jlaunch parameters : 
-> java path          : /usr/java14_64
-> java parameters    : -Djco.jarm=1 -Xj9
-> java vm version    : J2RE 1.4.2 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9ap64142-20080923 (JIT enabled)
-> java vm vendor     : IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : ppc64
-> heap size          : 256M
-> root path          : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster
-> class path         : ./bootstrap/launcher.jar
-> OS libs path       : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar
-> parameters         : ./bootstrap ID006063800
-> debuggable         : yes
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 60000
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000

JControlStartJLaunch: program = /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe/jlaunch
-> arg[00] = /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe/jlaunch
-> arg[01] = pf=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[02] = -DSAPINFO=QAR_00_bootstrap
-> arg[03] = -nodeId=-1
-> arg[04] = -file=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> arg[05] = -syncSem=687865940
-> arg[06] = -nodeName=bootstrap_ID6063800
-> arg[07] = -jvmOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/jvm_bootstrap_ID6063800.out
-> arg[08] = -stdOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/std_bootstrap_ID6063800.out
-> arg[09] = -locOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/dev_bootstrap_ID6063800
-> arg[10] = -mode=BOOTSTRAP
-> arg[11] = pf=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[12] = -DSAPSTART=1
-> arg[13] = -DCONNECT_PORT=34470
-> arg[14] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00
-> arg[16] = -DSAPMYNAME=ibeccqar_QAR_00
-> arg[17] = -DSAPPROFILE=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[18] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
-> arg[19] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
-> lib path = LIBPATH=/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin/classic:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin/j9vm:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe::/usr/lib:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run
-> exe path = PATH=/usr/java14_64/bin:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs:/usr/java14_64/bin:/home/qaradm:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/qaradm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/bin:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/adm:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/misc

[Thr  1] JStartupICreateProcess: fork process (pid 729310)

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:12 2009
[Thr  1] JControlExecuteBootstrap: execute bootstrap process [bootstrap_ID6063850]
[Thr  1] [Node: server0 bootstrap] java home is set by profile parameter
	Java Home: /usr/java14_64
[Thr  1] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar

JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [bootstrap_ID6063850]
-> node name          : server0 bootstrap
-> node type          : bootstrap
-> node execute       : yes
-> jlaunch parameters : 
-> java path          : /usr/java14_64
-> java parameters    : -Djco.jarm=1 -Xj9
-> java vm version    : J2RE 1.4.2 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9ap64142-20080923 (JIT enabled)
-> java vm vendor     : IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : ppc64
-> heap size          : 256M
-> root path          : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster
-> class path         : ./bootstrap/launcher.jar
-> OS libs path       : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar
-> parameters         : ./bootstrap ID006063850
-> debuggable         : yes
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 60000
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000

JControlStartJLaunch: program = /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe/jlaunch
-> arg[00] = /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe/jlaunch
-> arg[01] = pf=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[02] = -DSAPINFO=QAR_00_bootstrap
-> arg[03] = -nodeId=-1
-> arg[04] = -file=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/
-> arg[05] = -syncSem=687865940
-> arg[06] = -nodeName=bootstrap_ID6063850
-> arg[07] = -jvmOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/jvm_bootstrap_ID6063850.out
-> arg[08] = -stdOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/std_bootstrap_ID6063850.out
-> arg[09] = -locOutFile=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/work/dev_bootstrap_ID6063850
-> arg[10] = -mode=BOOTSTRAP
-> arg[11] = pf=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[12] = -DSAPSTART=1
-> arg[13] = -DCONNECT_PORT=34470
-> arg[14] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00
-> arg[16] = -DSAPMYNAME=ibeccqar_QAR_00
-> arg[17] = -DSAPPROFILE=/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/profile/QAR_DVEBMGS00_ibeccqar
-> arg[18] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
-> arg[19] = -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
-> lib path = LIBPATH=/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin/classic:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run:/usr/java14_64/jre/bin/j9vm:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe::/usr/lib:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/exe:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run
-> exe path = PATH=/usr/java14_64/bin:/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs:/usr/java14_64/bin:/home/qaradm:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/home/qaradm/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin:.:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/bin:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/adm:/db2/db2qar/sqllib/misc

[Thr  1] JStartupICreateProcess: fork process (pid 729312)

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:16 2009
[Thr  1] JControlIBuildProcessList: Maximum error count is set to 4
[Thr 515] JControlRequestFunc: Thread 515 started as listener thread for np messages.
[Thr  1] [Node: dispatcher] java home is set by profile parameter
	Java Home: /usr/java14_64
[Thr  1] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar

JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID6063800]
-> node name          : dispatcher
-> node type          : dispatcher
-> node execute       : yes
-> jlaunch parameters : 
-> java path          : /usr/java14_64
-> java parameters    : -Xj9 -Xmn70M -Xgcpolicy:gencon -verbose:gc -Djco.jarm=1
-> java vm version    : J2RE 1.4.2 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9ap64142-20080923 (JIT enabled)
-> java vm vendor     : IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : ppc64
-> heap size          : 200M
-> init heap size     : 200M
-> root path          : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/dispatcher
-> class path         : ./bin/boot/boot.jar:./bin/system/bytecode.jar:.
-> OS libs path       : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar
-> parameters         : 
-> debuggable         : no
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 60000
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000

[Thr  1] [Node: server0] java home is set by profile parameter
	Java Home: /usr/java14_64
[Thr  1] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar

JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID6063850]
-> node name          : server0
-> node type          : server
-> node execute       : yes
-> jlaunch parameters : 
-> java path          : /usr/java14_64
-> java parameters    : -Xj9 -Xmn400m -Xgcpolicy:gencon -verbose:gc -Djco.jarm=1
-> java vm version    : J2RE 1.4.2 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9ap64142-20080923 (JIT enabled)
-> java vm vendor     : IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : ppc64
-> heap size          : 2048M
-> init heap size     : 2048M
-> root path          : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/cluster/server0
-> class path         : ./bin/boot/boot.jar:./bin/boot/jaas.jar:./bin/system/bytecode.jar:.
-> OS libs path       : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar
-> parameters         : 
-> debuggable         : no
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 50021
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000

[Thr  1] INFO: Invalid property value [Debbugable=yes]
[Thr  1] [Node: SDM] java home is set by profile parameter
	Java Home: /usr/java14_64
[Thr  1] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar

JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [sdm]
-> node name          : SDM
-> node type          : sdm
-> node execute       : yes
-> java path          : /usr/java14_64
-> java parameters    : 
-> java vm version    : J2RE 1.4.2 IBM J9 2.3 AIX ppc64-64 j9ap64142-20080923 (JIT enabled)
-> java vm vendor     : IBM J9 VM (IBM Corporation)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : ppc64
-> heap size          : 256M
-> root path          : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/SDM/program
-> class path         : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/SDM/program/bin/SDM.jar
-> OS libs path       : /usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/os_libs
-> main class         : SDMInternal
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : /usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jstartup.jar:/usr/sap/QAR/SYS/exe/run/jvmx.jar
-> shutdown class     :
-> parameters         : server sdmhome=/usr/sap/QAR/DVEBMGS00/SDM/program
-> debuggable         : yes
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 60000
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000

[Thr  1] ***LOG Q0I=> NiPGetHostByName2: hostname '' not found: gethostbyname_r [niuxi.c 1536]
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:21 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:26 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:31 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:36 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:41 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:46 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:51 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:10:56 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:11:01 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:11:06 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:11:11 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:11:16 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** WARNING => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> reconnect [jcntrms_mt.c 368]

[Thr  1] Sat Jan 17 10:11:21 2009
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIAttachEx: NiBufConnect to /36 failed (rc=NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [msxxi_mt.c   652]
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => Can't attach to message server (/36) [rc = -100]-> terminate [jcntrms_mt.c 374]
[Thr  1] JControlCloseProgram: started (exitcode = -100)
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => MsIModState: not_attached [msxxi_mt.c   3838]
[Thr  1] *** ERROR => Can't modify message server state (state = 7, rc = -3) [jcntrms_mt.c 841]
[Thr  1] JControlCloseProgram: good bye... (exitcode = -100)


  • 28 Dec 2010 7:00 am rekha

    There Might be missing parameters in sapmsAXS entry is in the services file.
    Someone might modified DEFAULT.PFL to change transport directory
    and they might have removed 3 important
    parameters as a result j2ee engine would not start:

    Pls check and corrrect the parameters. I think it would help

  • 28 Dec 2010 7:01 am rekha

    Thanks a lot !!
    These parameters were missing and system was not able to recognize the host name and message server port. I just added these profile parameters , now the system is running fine.

    Cheers !
  • 28 Dec 2010 7:03 am rekha
    Do this issue is solved.....wht is the answer.
    Wht i understand from the error file is MS hostname and port is missing. It that maintained.

    During the J2EE instance startup, JControl tries to connect to the message server. If this fails, check the trace file dev_jcontrol in work folder.

    Check the central services instance is running or not. Check the message server is running on the specified host and port.

    For example, we can check the following parameters.

    j2ee/SCS/host =

    j2ee/SCS/system =

    j2ee/ms/port =

