We are getting error message like:
No System Alias found for Service <> and user <> or No Service found for namespace <>, name <>, version<>
Please do the following to maintain system alias and gateway flags:
There are two flags related to the System Alias configuration in SAP NetWeaver Gateway.
Depending on the SAP Gateway content scenario and your system landscape you thus set up the system alias. The system alias is the result of the routing for an inbound request on SAP Gateway. It can be a remote or a local system.
1. Local GW Flag
The system that is responsible for processing (managing and storing) the data of an inbound request is the local SAP Gateway instance itself. This option is typically used for testing scenarios, for example when using the BOR Generator locally. If you activate Local SAP GW for a SAP System Alias called LOCAL, the RFC Destination is usually NONE.
2. Local App Flag
There are three main software component of gateway i.e. IW_FND, IW_BEP and GW_CORE. In case of SAP Netweaver release 740, the gateway software component is SAP_GWFND which is comprise of all three above mentioned software component(i.e. IW_BEP, IW_FND and GW_CORE).
Example 1:
When all the three components are in one system i.e. gateway system and backend system is a different system. In this case, System alias configuration should have Local App flag set as IWFND and IWBEP are together and RFC destination should point to SAP back-end. RFC destination will be used by IW_BEP data provider to call the RFC from SAP Backend.
Example 2:
When gateway system is having software component IW_FND and GW_CORE, and software component IW_BEP is deployed separately in Backend system. In this case, System alias configuration should not have Local App flag set, as IW_FND and IW_BEP are in different SAP systems and RFC destination should point to backend system where IWBEP is deployed which is used by IW_FND to route the calls.
Here, IWBEP data provider and metadata provider classes can use the local RFC Function Modules as well.
Example 3:
When all three software components is present in the Backend system.In this case, System alias configuration should have Local App flag set as IWFND and IWBEP are together and RFC destination can be empty i.e. NONE as all the components are in the SAP backend system.
There are two flags under "System Aliases" section in the T-code: "/N/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE" in SAP NetWeaver Gateway :
These two flags are useful when OData service is using MOC(Multi Origin Composition) mode to connect to the multiple backend systems.
1. Default Flag :
This flag should be selected for the default system which should be used whenever the service is not called as MOC. If you have defined more than one default system alias, the first system is used as the default.
2. Metadata Flag :
For requests in MOC(multiple origin composition) mode, this flag specifies the backend system from which to retrieve the metadata.
The processing mode is as follows:
1. The system searches for all system aliases assigned to a service for a user.
2. If more than one system is found, the one system with the Metadata flag set is chosen.
1. If none of the found systems has the Metadata flag assigned, then the one with the Default flag is chosen.
2. If none of the found systems has the Default flag assigned an error is triggered.