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Manual Testing

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing is the most primitive type of testing in which testers execute the test cases manually to identify the detects in the software without using automation tools. Although it requires a lot more effort than automation scripting, but it is very important to test automation feasibility. One of the fundamentals of software testing is that complete automation is not possible. Thus, manual testing becomes imperative.

Manual Testing vs Automated Testing

Manual Testing

Automation Testing

Manual testing is the most basic type of testing that has testers manually execute the test cases.

Automation testing is a type of testing in which the test cases are executed in an automated way using automation tools.

Manual testing is a relatively slower process that requires a lot of time and effort from the testers and is consequently more expensive as well.

Automation testing is much more time-efficient and relatively cheaper. The process is also very fast because after the test framework and the test script have been created, it’s very easy to run the suite.

As complete automation is never possible, every software has to undergo a bit if manual testing. However, monkey testing, ad-hoc and exploratory testing is more suitable for manual testing. There are testing types that require frequent executions and manual testing is not suitable for it or for load testing for that matter.

Automation testing is suitable for systems that have already been established as stable. Regression testing suits it the best. It is also suitable for load testing and for the testing types that need to frequently execute test cases.

In manual testing, the test cases have to be executed one by one in a sequence.

In automation testing, the test cases can be executed simultaneously by the help of distributed testing over different machines.

As manual testing is done by humans, it is more prone to errors.

If the right standards are maintained while creating the test script, automation testing is very reliable.

Manual Testing Tools

The tools that are required to perform manual testing can be broadly categorized in three different ways.

  • Test Management Tools
  • Training and Documentation
  • Functional Testing Tools

There are a number of quality management tools available in the market. There are not many manual testing tools but the number is definitely growing. TestDrive-Assist was the first manual test execution tool developed by Original Software in 2007. It works with every technology and serves as a pre-cursor to 100% automation.

Advantage of Manual Testing

  • There are test cases that do not need to be executed frequently but only once or twice. Manual testing works very well for such test cases.
  • 100% automation is never feasible and automation can never match the power of human faculties. So, manual testing makes sure that there are no bugs in the system.
  • Anyone and everyone can't perform manual testing. Automation scripting requires a certain level of proficiency on part of the tester. Testers have to be given extensive training about automation tools. All these are not required for manual testing which can be performed by any tester.
  • Manual testing facilitates GUI testing as it is difficult to automate visual preferences and accessibility.
  • Testers get to perform more ad-hoc testing by virtue of manual testing.

What Should You Know Before Starting to Learn Manual Testing?

One must know the fundamental concepts and the basic techniques of software testing before starting to learn manual testing.

Industries Using Manual Testing

Testing wearables and mobile devices use manual testing. Manual testing is still in vogue in software testing. Any industry that requires field testing employs manual testing.

Read here Manual Testing Interview Questions and Answer
