If anyone has a solution, please send it to me. During service entry creation, when the user enters the WBS element number in the account assignment of the service line item, the message 'Material Purchase Order is not allowed in WBS' appears. Please help with this matter.
SAP usually displays the error message "Material Purchase order is not allowed in WBS" when there is a discrepancy between the account assignment for the purchase order or service entry sheet and the project structure (WBS element). The following actions can be taken to troubleshoot and fix this problem:
1. Check WBS Element Settings
- Make sure the WBS component is configured appropriately for the acquisition of materials. Examine the "Account Assignment" tab in the WBS master data (transaction code CJ02). Make sure the WBS element permits external procurement by confirming that the "Procurement Indicator" is set to permit such purchases.
2. Check Account Assignment Category
- Check to see if the purchase order or service entry's account assignment category is appropriate for the WBS element. For WBS elements, for instance, account assignment category P (Project) ought to be utilized.
3. Validate Material Master Data
- Make sure the item being ordered is appropriate for that particular WBS element. Certain kinds of materials cannot be purchased in opposition to a WBS element. To make sure the material can be used with the WBS element, check the material master data (transaction code MM03).
4. Review Configuration
- In certain instances, the error might result from particular system configuration settings. To ensure that the configuration for WBS elements and purchase orders complies with your project's and procurement requirements, you might need to check with your SAP Basis or functional team.
5. Test with Different Scenarios
- To determine whether the problem is limited to a single WBS element or if it affects several, try generating a comparable service entry or purchase order using a different WBS element. This may assist in determining the root of the problem.
6. Check for Custom Enhancements
- If your SAP system has user exits or custom enhancements the custom code may be the cause of this error. Your technical team might need to be involved to review any custom logic that has an impact on the procurement procedure.
If the error still exists, create an OSS note with SAP or speak with your SAP support team for further help.