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What is the meaning of 'Ticket' in SAP and Its Types?

Updated May 18, 2018

Hello Experts,

May I know that What is the meaning of ticket in SAP and how many types of ticket are available there.

Kindly share your valuable views on it.

Thanks in advance.


  • 01 Sep 2015 2:00 pm Romil Tripathi Best Answer

    Ticket means problem raised by end user when they user the production bi server means live system. Whenever they get any problem in any case they raise that, some call it as issue too but most common terminology is ticket.

    The ticket which is raised by the end user will be posted first to the help desk team of the company. if already solution is available they post that solution or then that ticket wil be posted to the tech team who are work in the support team---- you will have a ticketing tool just like the mail interface.

    When the ticket is posted it will have in different, open and close. 

    New means ticket is new. 

    Open means some one is working on that ticket.

    Closed means ticket is resolved.

    Ticket will have the priorites low, normal and high depending on the SLA.

    SLA means SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMPANY AND THE CLIENT accordingly ticket will be resolved.

    High means mostly it should be resolved in 3 to 5 business hours.

    Normal means it will go for 2 to 3 days.

    Low means there is no time bound.

    Depending on the situation we need to resolve. 

    you have two types of tickets, system generated and end user raised tickets.
