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Mismatch FS10N - Display Balances and FBL3N - Display/Change Line Items

Updated May 18, 2018

GL Line Items posted do not agree with the GL Account Balance.
It seems this was an once off error but having nasty effects.
Only one Account and only one month DEBITS effected. The rest is all correct
Profit Centre and Cost Centre Report and GL Line Item report agree and is correct
BUT Total Balance which is used for Financial Statement and Trail Balance is picking up the Wrong Value. Trying to determine how is the incorrect Total calculated. Also check Table BSIS and in line with Profit Centre and Cost Centre Report and GL Line Item report .
What can I do to find out what is wrong and how must this error be fixed.


  • 17 Jun 2013 11:06 am rekha
    These problems occur in the following constellation:

    1. The new general ledger is active.

    2. You deactivated the update of the GLT0 in the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG) under the following link:
    Financial Accounting (new)
    Deactivate Update of Classic General Ledger (GLT0)

    3. You have not assigned the scenario for updating the business area (FIN_GSBER) to your leading ledger in the IMG under the following link:
    Financial Accounting (new)
    Assign Scenario and Customer Fields to Ledgers

    Transaction FS10N reads the balance table for the new general ledger by deactivating the GLTO update. Because the business area is not updated in this balance table (because the scenario does not exist), 'only' the business area is displayed as 'empty' in the balance display.

    In the case of a drilldown to the line items, this 'selection' of the business area is transferred as a selection criterion.
    However, because you cannot save a business area in the line items (BSIS/BSAS), these documents are not returned.

    This is because Customizing for the business area regarding the entry view and the general ledger view is different.
  • 19 Jun 2013 6:36 am Billy Mellett
    New General Ledger not yet activated.
    Thus points mentioned in 1 to 3 not applicable
    Thanks for your input, appreciate it.
