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MRP process is running, Archive log also Transferring from DC to DR but Apply rate is slow.

Updated May 20, 2018

Hi Everyone,

We are using 11gr2. At yesterday night heavy insert operation is done. Due to which our archival dest was full, I extended mount point reffering to archive dest.

So now that problem is solved. We have physical standby with max performance mode, now the situation is there is a gap of 250 in between DC-DR. MRP process is running, archivelog also transferring from DC to DR but apply rate is slow. Sometimes apply rate is slow and sometimes it becomes less than average. I have already restarted MRP process but GAP is still there. Also, when I have checked on standby archive dest, archives gap is showing but it is automatically resolving and applying but with a very very slow rate.

So what could be the reason and solution?

Can I go for Alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session parallel 8?

can it require any pre-requistic?

Thanks in advance.


  • 14 Jan 2015 2:10 pm Shalesh Singh Visen Helpful Answer

    I Think taking rman incremental backup and restoring it will take lots of time and infact much more than the present situation you are facing.The main reason for slow transfer of logs from primary to stand by may be a network issue.check for the status weather the MRP Process is applying logs or waiting for logs,try to differ and enable the Log_archive _dest between primary and standby. Because In Our DB's when the flow of traffic(logs) is slow between the logs dest we do the same and the problem is resolved after repeating the procedure 3-5 times.
