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Net Price in Info Record or Contract is wrong

Updated May 18, 2018

Why is the net price not changing, even after i change the PB00 condition type in info record? Any suggestions.

  • The Net price in the Info Record (EINE-NETPR) does not correspond to the value in the conditions, or is zero
  • The Net price in the contract or (EKPO-NETPR) does not correspond to the value in the conditions, or is zero. The same goes for Scheduling Agreements with Time-dependant conditions.
  • You use ALE to distribute contracts and conditions using BLAORD and COND_A. After the transfer the Net prices in the receiving system is zero. However, the conditions are correct.
  • You use ALE to distribute Info Records and conditions using INFREC and COND_A. After the transfer the Net prices in the receiving system is zero. However, the conditions are correct.

Related: Info Update Indicator in PO with Info Records

The problem is that Scales and/or validity periods may exist for the conditions, because contracts have time dependant conditions, just like info records do.
This is in contrast to e.g. Purchase orders which have Time independant conditions and so, NO scales nor validity periods.

  • A Purchase order has A price! The price maybe determined based on a source; a contract or an info record. Depending on the order quantity and the date, the PO price is determined.
  • The contract does not have A date, it might have several; indicated by the validity periods. Furthermore the price is dependant on eventual scales. Therefore it does not have A price either.

Example of a contract with a material with time dependant conditions:
             Price all 2003: 100 EUR

             Price all 2004: 110 EUR

If you look at the contract in 2003, using ME33, the price will most likely be 100 EUR.
If you, without any other action look at it again in 2004, nothing has changed and the price is of course still shown as 100 EUR.
This is because ME33 shows EKPO-NETPR. It does NOT look at the conditions and eventual scales and validity periods.  By design!
Same principle goes for the info record in ME13; EINE-NETPR.

When you maintain a contract using ME31K or ME32K the conditions are maintained simultaneously in the condition tables and in EKPO-NETPR.
Same principle goes for the info record in ME11 / ME12; EINE-NETPR.

When you distribute a contract via ALE using BLAORD and COND_A the contract item and the conditions are sent separately and they are NOT linked together in the receiving system.

If you adjust Time dependant conditions in a contract or a Scheduling Agreement automaticly via an Index (MEK32) the conditions are updated, but the equivalent price fields in the documents are not.

Reports are available that will update NETPR in EKPO / EINE to contain prices valid at the time the report is run:

  • RM06ENP0 for contracts.
  • RM06ENP1 for Scheduling Agreements
  • RM06INP0 for Info Records
