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ORA-02021: DDL Operations Are Not Allowed On a Remote Database

Updated May 18, 2018


I am getting following error when I try to create a table in remote database.
ORA-02021: DDL operations are not allowed on a remote database

What privileges do we have to provide to the local database so that it will create object in remote database schema?


  • 25 Jun 2013 7:33 am Sushma Best Answer

    This is not a matter of missing privileges, but a matter of implementation ,
    probably first of all due to security reasons.

    What you can do is to create a stored procedure at the remote database that
    creates the table ( of course, using dynamic SQL for doing this in a PL/SQL procedure ),
    and then grant EXECUTE on that procedure to the user (schema) that your db-link is using
    for connecting to the remote database.

    Please however be aware that you should be very careful with such an approach,
    because the procedure will execute under the security privileges of its owner,
    and using dynamic SQL for performing DDL statements is always prone to being exploited
    for SQL injection, a.s.o.
    So, such an approach should always be used with maximum caution,
    usually only from application code that is fully under your control.

    But, since a CREATE TABLE for a specific table name, under a specific OWNER
    is only possible once, I don't exactly see why do you need to to this from another database,
    why not just once, from the same (remote) database ?

    If you want to create each time a different table (with a different name),
    then you may be better off passing the table name + column names as parameters
    to the procedure, and create the dynamic SQL statement inside the procedure,
    so that you can exercise full control upon it.
  • 25 Jun 2013 7:10 am Rohit Mahajan Helpful Answer
    It looks like you are trying to create a table across a database link which is not supported.

    There is no privilege you can grant to allow this.

    You can however accomplish this by using the DBMS_UTILITY package.

    Example below.

    exec DBMS_UTILITY.EXEC_DDL_STATEMENT@remote_database('c reate table table1 (col1 number)');
