I am getting the following errors on my Node1 of DB. I am using RAC Environment.
Database 11g
EBS 12.3 R2
This is Node1 which is not running the CRS services.
However I am running the EBS thru Node2 of RAC Environment.
# ocrcheck
PROT-602: Failed to retrieve data from the cluster registry
PROC-26: Error while accessing the physical storage ASM error [SLOS: cat=8, opn=kgfolclcpi1, dep
4, loc=kgfokge
AMDU-00204: Disk N0007 is in currently mounted diskgroup OCR_VOTE_DISK
AMDU-00201: Disk N0007: '/dev/rdisk/disk62'
AMDU-00204: Disk N0006 is in currently mounte
] [8]
# crsctl query css votedisk
Unable to communicate with the Cluster Synchronization Services daemon.
# olsnodes -n
PRCO-19: Failure retrieving list of nodes in the cluster
PRCO-2: Unable to communicate with the clusterware
# crsctl check crs
CRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is online
CRS-4535: Cannot communicate with Cluster Ready Services
CRS-4530: Communications failure contacting Cluster Synchronization Services daemon
CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
# crsstat
HA Resource Target State
----------- ------ -----
error connecting to CRSD at [(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=ora_crsqs))] clsccon 184
# oifcfg getif
PRIF-12: failed to initialize cluster support services
# crsctl start crs
CRS-4640: Oracle High Availability Services is already active
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.
# crsstat
HA Resource Target State
----------- ------ -----
error connecting to CRSD at [(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=ora_crsqs))] clsccon 184
# crsctl start crs
CRS-4640: Oracle High Availability Services is already active
CRS-4000: Command Start failed, or completed with errors.
$ srvctl start database -d PROD
PRCD-1027 : Failed to retrieve database PROD
PRCR-1070 : Failed to check if resource ora.prod.db is registered
Cannot communicate with crsd